Berewicsċīr | |
Scir | |
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Bradnes | 1,184 km² |
Menniscu | 26,169 |
Landscite | |
Berewicsċīr Commons | |
Bereƿicscir is scīr on norþhealfe þæs Tuidi ea. Heo hæfþ mearc mid mid Norþhymbralande be suðan, East Loðene and Midloðene be norðan. Be eastan is særime. Bereƿicscir is seo suðeasternmest þara Scyttiscena scirena.
Ēac is Bereƿicscir ehtungeard þæs Scyttisc Mearc Geþinge.
Bereƿicscir nimþ hiere naman fram Bereƿicburg, seo ær ƿæs micel sæport and Bereƿicscire scirburg oððæt ƿæs hit gelosen to Englacyning endlice in 1482.
Stōƿlice Tōþegnung
[adihtan | adihtan fruman]Bereƿicscir Scirgeþinge ƿæs uparæred in 1890. His ærest setl ƿæs in Dunse, æt þæm ealdan Scirgerefa Stālærne.
Bereƿicscir nis nu gerecscir; se Scirgeþinge ƿæs geended in 1975. Nu feolþ heo under þǣm Scyttisce Mearc geþingedome. Æfter 1975 oððæt 1995 ƿæron Bereƿicscire nama, ƿæpen and mæst hiere gierde þurh boldgetale gebrucan.
[adihtan | adihtan fruman]Bereƿicscire scirburg, hƿæræfter is hit genemed, ƿæs Bereƿic oððæt 1482, þa ƿæs Bereƿicburg gelosen to Englum. (Man secgþ þe Bereƿic is nu burg in Norþhymbralande.) Æfter 1482 ƿæs Bereƿicscire toþegnung gedon æt Dunse oððe æt Laudere, oððæt in 1596 ƿeard Grenehlǣƿ þa scirburg[1].
[adihtan | adihtan fruman]Bereƿicscir Scirgeþinge abaddon ƿæpengiefu in 1890. Se Lēo Hlāford Ƿǣpencyning bryttade þone giefe in þæm ilcan geare. Þa ƿæpen gesceaƿeden beran in bende to elme, seo ƿæs dæl þære ƿæpna Bereƿic-burgscipes, and ƿæs scild-cræftig gamen on byriges and scire namum[2].
Bereƿicscir in Stoƿlicum Þeaƿe
[adihtan | adihtan fruman]Oððæt ðe Bereƿicscire naman is be ƿealdlice gehyded, on þære scire folc nis he geforged. Giet is The Berwickshire News geƿídmærsed ælce ƿuce, and manige gefērscipas and band habbað Bereƿicscir in hiera naman.
Se Bereƿicscir Burglufu Frygyld hegaþ gearlic Freoðiað Bereƿicscir Clæne Tilung, gedemede ælc Þrimilcemonaþ. Nu tilaþ se Frygyld for radtæcne æt þæm ingangum þære scire to secgenne 'Þu cymest in Bereƿicscire'
Tune and Byrig
[adihtan | adihtan fruman]Stedas in Bereƿicscire include:
- Coludingaham,
- Coludstream
- Duns
- Egemuþa
- Eorlestun
- Foulden
- Greneloh
- Lauder
- Mordingatun
- Scte Abbs
- Sƿinton.