(Edlǣded of Hamtunescir)

Man ne cann þisses naman sƿēgendlīc-lenge
Hāmtūnescīr is scīr on Englum, on Sūþsǣhealf. Hēo hæfþ mearca mid Dorsǣtum ƿestƿeard, Ƿiltūnscīre and Bearrucscīre norþƿeard, and mid Sūþrige and Sūþseaxum ēastƿeard.
Sēo mǣst burg þǣre scīre is Hamtum. On sǣhealf sind Hamtum, Portesmūþa (þæs Cynelican Scipheres hām hæfn) and lǣs byrige.
Ƿintanceaster, Ƿestseaxna and Engla hēafodburg in gēardagum, stent onmiddan þissa scīr.
Sūþƿeard lieceþ Ƿiht (se is īeg in Hāmtūnescīre sēo eardfæst scīr, oþþæt Ƿiht is self scīr for stōƿlican tōþegnunge).
Þære scīre ƿestdǣl is Ytene, oþþe sēo Nīƿa Fyrhþ, betƿēonam Tƿeonam and Natanleag.