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Nicholas I Russena Cāsere

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Nicholas I
Cynedom 1825 oð 1855
Gehalgod 1826
Foregenga Alexander I
Hus Holstān-Gottorp-Romanov
Fæder Paulus I.
Modor Sophie Dorothee of Württemberg (Maria Feodorovna)
Geboren 25 Sēremōnaþ 1796
Sēo Fæstnes on Moscoƿe
Deaþ 1855
Byrgen Peter and Paul Hēafodcirice in Sanctes Petersbyrig

Nicholas I (Russisc: Никола́й I Па́влович ƿæs Russena Cāsere of 1825 oð 1855, þan man hine ofslōg be miclum sƿicdōm. Onmang his manigum binaman ƿæs Alexander Cāsere Polena Cyning and Hēah Þēoden of Finnlande.