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Land  Polaland

Swīnmūþa (Polisc: Świnoujście, Germanisc: Swinemünde) is burg on Polum. Þēos burg is in Wenoðlande and stent on manigum īegum; hwǣron sind Usedom, Wollin and Kaseburg. Þās īega sind in Stettinmere, æt þǣm sūðofer þǣre Ostsǣs and Stettines forehæfne.

Oð 1945 wæs Swīnmūþa Þēodscna burg; æfter þǣm Gewinne geaf þā sigefæstan rīce eall þis land under Polena weald and þæræfter nām þā Pole hit and awearf his Þēodscan onwuniendas.

Ūtanƿearde hlencas

[adihtan | adihtan fruman]
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