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Sanctpaulus, Minesohta

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—  Rīcehēafodburg  —
Sanctpaulus on Minesohta

Land  Geānedu Rīcu America Geānedu Rīcu America
Gestaðelod 1854
Brego Melvin Carter III
• gerim

145.497628 km², 145.498945 km²
Hiehþu 214±1 m
• buend

311,527 buenda
Tidgyrdel Central Time Zone
Sprecungrim 651
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Logo Wikimedia Commons Sanctpaulus Commons
Þis cyþþubox hæfþ Wikidata wihta

Sanctpaulus (Niwenglisc: St. Paul) oþþe Halgapaulus is hēafodstōl ob Minesohta. Hālgapaulus is ān of ðā twā "twin byrig" of Centrālminesohta ġenēalǣc mid Minneceaster, ðæs micclan byrg on Minesohta. Sēo byrg is geseten beorht hlincas þe over lōcian ane arc on ðā Mississippi ēa. Tōdæġ, Halgapaulus is ā seldsceat and ǣxelsiċtece and ðæt mǣre mōtungstede of ðā heafodwealdendas and lēodscipas of Minnesota. Sēo byrg is ald of ðā ǣrest byrg on Minesohtaland, āðēles tō sumum ald and ealdfæst tūnscipum binnan ðæs ceastres. Sēo byrg is cūð for his snāw and cōld winteres and sċeapalige sumor.

Rīcehēafodstōlas on þǣm Geanedan Ricu America
Rīce Muntgumni (AL) • Jūnbyrg (AK) • Fēonix (AZ) • Lȳtelrōc (AR) • Hālgþingstede (CA) • Denaford (CO) • Heortford (CT) • Dofor (DE) • Talehæfesē (FL) • Ætlanda (GA) • Hānolūlu (HI) • Bōisē (ID) • Spryngfeld (IL) • Indigabyrg (IN) • Þā Mūnecas (IA) • Tōpēca (KS) • Francofort (KY) • Rēadstic (LA) • Ƿēodmōnaða (ME) • Annaceaster (MD) • Botwulfstūn (MA) • Lǣnsing (MI) • Sanctpaulus (MN) • Iǣxcūn (MS) • Gefersūnesburh (MO) • Hǣlēna (MT) • Lincylene (NE) • Carrsunuceaster (NV) • Gelēafa (NH) • Trenttūn (NJ) • Hāleġelēafa (NM) • Ælbanige (NY) • Raleah (NC) • Bismearc (ND) • Columbus (OH) • Oclahomaceaster (OK) • Sǣlham (OR) • Hǣrēsburh (PA) • Godsweot (RI) • Columbȳa (SC) • Petrusƿic (SD) • Gnascfyll (TN) • Ēastūnburh (TX) • Sealtlacceaster (UT) • Muntpīlere (VT) • Rīċemund (VA) • Olimpie (WA) • Ċeorlestūn (WV) • Mædisunu (WI) • Ċieanneburh (WY)
Þoftscipe Hƿæsingatūn, D.C.

Pægopægo (AS) • Haguatnā (GU) • Sāpan (MP) • Sanctiohannēs (PR) • Ceorlette Amaliaburh (VI)