- For ōðrum brȳcum, sēo Ætlanda (scīrung).
Ætlanda | |
— Rīcehēafodburg — | |
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Land | Geānedu Rīcu America Geānedu Rīcu America |
Gestaðelod | 29 Gēolmōnaþ 1845 |
Brego | Andre Dickens |
Bradnes • gerim |
347.996293 km², 347.080493 km² |
Hiehþu | 225 m |
Leodræden • buend |
498,715 buenda |
Tidgyrdel | Eastern Time Zone, UTC−05:00, UTC−04:00 |
Sprecungrim | 404, 678, 770 |
Webstede | Webstede |
Ætlanda Commons | |
Þis cyþþubox hæfþ Wikidata wihta | |
Ætlanda (Niwenglisc: Atlanta) is sēo hēafodstōl þæs rīces Georgia þāra Geanedan Ricu America. Ætlanda is wīdsƿīðe ġecēged for hire mynsteras and lēodǣþe. Sēo byrig is ācēned on ānum micclan ġemǣne beforan þǣre Rādinga Fēores. Hīe byð sēo hēafodstōl þǣre sǣlande Georga.
Ætlanda is mǣrost be hire hēafodstōwe for þā gōdan horscwāðas and hēahbȳman. Hīe is eac ǣcenned for hire geārlican sƿinung and blōstmum. Sēo byrig hæfð miccle gebūnyssa and sƿēteshūs, þǣr hīe beorgan þā wyrta and blēouman.
Þās byrig is eac gehȳred for þā mǣran lārēowas and ǣldran hādas. Hīe hæfð ǣfelic ġemynd and wurðmynt for hire mynsteras, þǣr seofon hofas synd mǣre and hāleðu sƿēgigende. Sēo byrig is eac rīce for mǣran sǣstede, hālgum þēodum, and feorran farigendan.
Beforan þām sporttēamum, Atlanta hæfð manige æðele tīma. Þǣr sind þā Hafocas (Hawks) spīwealdende on þǣre Bælþrīge Fēore, þā Falecnas (Falcons) hēafdige mid byrnie and scyttelum on þǣre Hordǣle and Blācungemǣre Sƿīþealdendlīce, þā Ætlanda Ēnīgode (Atlanta United) crīggaþ on folcƿǣnum þǣre Rādinga Fēores, and þā Brāfum (Braves) hwirfende on þǣre Ācgeƿealdan Fēore, hwæthweg hladende þā rīcstan and sƿīðran.
Hīe synd līðe and stīðrǣccendlice tīma, and hīera heorðung bið gehāten in sǣsangum and bēah.