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Börzsöny on Pestscire
Pestscire stede on Ungarlande

Pestscir (Ungerisc: Pest megye; Germanisc: Komitat Pest) is scīr in Ungerlandes middæle. Þas scir oferwriehð 2,468 mila2 and hæfþ 1,213,090 onwunendas utan Budapest seo ceaster se stent onmiddan þisse scire, and in Budapest in þisse scire setl, oððæt ðe seo ceaster is bedæled for stowlicum toþegnunge.

Þisse scire norþern mearc is wið Slofacie (þæt land wæs ær Ungaralandes dæl).

Donua seo ea iernþ þurh Pestscire.

In þære Middelylde lag Pestscir ymbe Pest þære byrig and be easten Donuan. Æfterweard scop man niw læppa be naman Pest-Pilis-Solt-Kiskun, and þis læppa wæs æfter þæm Oþran Woruldgewinne bedæled in Bács-Kiskun Scir and niwu Pestscire.

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[adihtan | adihtan fruman]