Hloðwig IV Francena Cyning
Hloðƿig IV | |
Cynedom | 936–954 |
Gehalgod | 936 in Laundune |
Foregenga | Hrōðƿulf |
Æftergenga | Hloðere |
Bryd | Gerberga Seaxna Hlæfdige |
Bearn | Hloðere Francena Cyning Carl Niðerhloðeringa Heretoga Mæðhild Burgenda Cƿēn |
Hus | Carlingas |
Fæder | Carl se Bileƿit |
Modor | Ēadgifu Engla Hlæfdige |
Geboren | Haligmonað 920, 1 Haligmonað 921 Laon |
Deaþ | 30. Hāligmōnaþ 954 |
Byrgen | Compiègne Mynster on Franclande |
Hloðƿig IV (10. Hāligmōnaþ 920 – 30. Hāligmōnaþ 954) ricsode sƿa Ƿestfrancena Cyning of 936 oð his dēaþ in 954. He ƿæs æþeling þæs Carlinga Cynecynnes, Carles III sunu be Eadgifu his cƿēne, sēo ƿaes Ēadƿeardes þæs Ieldran dōhtor.[1] On Francum hāt he Louise d'Outremer and þis Frencisce ƿord d'Outremer is "of ofersǣ" for þæm þe he ƿæs lange on ƿræcce on Ƿestseaxum.
Ǣr gearas and ƿræcc ofersǣ
[adihtan | adihtan fruman]Hloðƿig ƿæs tƿegra ƿintra bearn þan his fæder ƿæs gesetten be his eorlum. Hie asettede Hrofbeorht in his stede. Þan Hloðƿig ƿæs þrie ƿintrecild, forþferde Hrofbeorht and in his stede nām Hrōðƿulf þæt rīce, se ƿæs Burgenda Heretoga. Hrōðƿulf's geþofta, Herebeorht II of Vermandois Eorl, se ƿæs ēac þæm Carolingum, be sƿīcdōme anām Carl in clome. Hloðƿig ƿæs geong and Ēadgifu his mōdor bar þone cnapa ofer brime to ealdornere on Englum, and of þis þing is his binaman. He ƿunede on ƿræcce in Æþelstanes Cyninges hirede.
Edcyre on Francas
[adihtan | adihtan fruman]Carl III stearf in 929, and Hrōðƿulf ricsode oð 936. Æfter Hrōðƿulfes dēaþe ƿaes Hloðƿig gebannen eft on Francas mid ānrǣde fultume þāra eorla. Hugo se Micla ƿæs sƿīðoste aƿreðend of Hloþƿiges edcyre and man hycgð ðe Hugo berēnod hit þe noððe Herebeorht II noððe Hugo se Sƿeart Hrōðƿulfes brōðor meaht fōn þæt rīce.
Æt Laon ƿæs Hloðƿig gehalgod cyning be Artald, Ercebiscop of Remis, on Sunandæge 19 June 936.[2] Flodoard se gearbōcƿritere On geƿritu settan þās gelimp sƿa folgeþ:
Brittones a transmarinis regionibus, Alstani regis praesidio, revertentes terram suam repetunt. Hugo comes trans mare mittit pro accersiendo ad apicem regni suscipiendum Ludowico, Karoli filio, quem rex Alstanus avunculus ipsius, accepto prius jurejurando a Francorum legatis, in Franciam cum quibusdam episcopis et aliis fidelibus suis dirigit, cui Hugo et cetero Francorum proceres obviam profecti, mox navim egresso, in ipsis littoreis harenis apud Bononiam, sese committunt, ut erant utrinque depactum. Indeque ab ipsis Laudunum deductus ac regali benedictione didatus ungitur atque coronatur a domno Artoldo archiepiscopo, praesentibus regni principibus cum episcopis xx et amplius.[3] | "Lydwiccas, þā agenhƿearfen of þæm landum ofersǣ mid fultum of Æþelstane Cyninge, cƿōmon eft in hiera landa. Hugo Heretoga sendede boda ofer brime to abannenne Hloðƿig Carling, þe he afō þæt rīce, and Æþelstan Cyning, se ƿæs his ēam, ǣrror nām āþas fram þæm Francena sandum, and sended hine þæm Francena rīce mid his biscophēap, and oþer folgendum. Hugo and þā oþer Francena æþelingum fōron ūt to grētenne hine and him befæsteden [;] sōna astāh he of þǣm scipe on Bunnan strande, sƿa sƿa habbaþ hit ƿæs geþingod on ælcum healfe. Fram þær ƿæs he gebrōhted be him to Laudune, and, gegyrod mid þæm cynelican bletsinge ƿæs he ƿæs gesmyrod and gebēagod be Artold hlāford Ercebiscop, on andƿeardnesse his rīces hēafodmanna, mid tƿentig biscopum."[4] |
Frume ƿæs Hloðƿiges rīce on Laudunum þære byrig and in stedum in Franclandes norðdæle; he displayed cēnnesse ofer his gearum þærbe afōn he recognition of his ƿeald be his feuding eorlum. Noþȳlǣs ƿæs his rīce mid sæcce gefylled, in particular with Hugo se Micla, Eorl of Paris.
Hloðƿig IV feall fram his mearge and forþferde on 30. Hāligmōnaþ 954 at Remis and þær is he gebyrged æt Sanctes Rémi Basilican.
Cynn and bearn
[adihtan | adihtan fruman]In 939, Hloðƿig became involved in a struggle ƿiþ Otto se Micla se ƿæs se Hāligan Rōmāniscan Cāsere ymbe ǣhtgestealde of Hloðeringa Lande, ac he þæreft beƿeddode Otto's sƿeoster Gerberga Seaxna Hlæfdige (914 – 5 May 984). Ætgædre baron hie eahta bearn:
- Hloðere Francena Cyning (941–986)
- Mæðhild, b. ymbe 943; sēo beƿeddod Conrad Burgenda Heretoga[5]
- Hildegarde b. ymbe 944
- Carloman b. ymbe 945
- Hloðƿig b. ymbe 948
- Carl Niðerhloðheringa Heretoga (953–993)
- Alberade b. before 953
- Heanric b. ymbe 953
[adihtan | adihtan fruman]- ↑ Donald A. Bullough, Carolingian Renewal: Sources and Heritage, (Manchester University Press, 1991), 286
- ↑ Pierre Riche, The Carolingians, Transl. Michael Idomir Allen, (University of Pennsylvania Press, 1993), 256.
- ↑ Flodoard, Annales 936, ed. P. Lauer.
- ↑ Dorothy Whitelock (tr.), English Historical Documents c. 500–1042. 2nd ed. London, 1979. p. 344.
- ↑ Burgundy and Provence, 879-1032, Constance Brittain Bourchard, The New Cambridge Medieval History: Volume 3, C.900-c.1024, ed. Rosamond McKitterick and Timothy Reuter, (Cambridge University Press, 1999), 342.
[adihtan | adihtan fruman]- Flodoard, Annales, ed. Philippe Lauer, Les Annales de Flodoard. Collection des textes pour servir à l'étude et à l'enseignement de l'histoire 39. Paris: Picard, 1905.