Cynelic Nīwsǣlendisc Plegscipflota
Se Cynelica Nīwsǣlendisca Plegscipflota is onmang þæs Nīwan Sǣlandes weorþfullostum plegscipa gegyldum, and þis gegyld hæfþ gelǣd Nīwes Sǣlandes cempan in þǣm America's Cup, under þǣm naman Team New Zealand. Hē hēold þone America's Cup fram þǣm 1995. gēare ōþ þæt 2003. and in þǣm 2000. wæs se Cynelica Nīwsǣlendisca Plegscipflota se ǣrresta gehealdend þe oferdrāf becleopiend se næs Americanisc.
Þæt gegyld wæs gestaðoled in þǣm 1859. gēare in Auclande be naman þæt "Auclandes Plegscipa Gyld". Þā his nama wæs in þām 1902. gewended tō "Cynelic Nīwsǣlendisc Plegscipflota" þā hit afeahte þǣre Cwēnan mundbyrde.[1]
Se Cynelica Nīwsǣlendisca Plegscipflota is on midwiste þæs International Council of Yacht Clubs.
[adihtan | adihtan fruman]Bēc
[adihtan | adihtan fruman]- Elliot, Robin; Kidd, Harold; Pardon, David (1999). Southern Breeze - A History of Yachting in New Zealand. Auckland: Penguin Books. ISBN 0-670-88650-5.
- Holmes, Noel (1971). Century of Sail - Official History of the Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron. Wellington: Whitcombe and Tombs. ISBN 0-7233-0305-3.
- Titchener, Paul (1978). Little Ships of New Zealand. Wellington: A.H & A.W. Reed. ISBN 0-589-01068-9.
- Wilkins, Ivor (2010). Classic - The Revival of Classic Boating in New Zealand. Auckland: Random House. ISBN 978-1-86962-162-9.