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Segn þǣre Breslū
Segn þǣre Breslū
Brǣdu 51°06′36″ N
Lengu 17°01′20″ E
Land  Polaland
Burgriht 1214, 1242
Burggerēfa Jacek Sutryk
Brādnes 292,82[1] km²
• burg
• þiccnes
638 586[2]
2181 būend/km²
Sprecungrīm +48 71
Wægnplatung DW, DX

Breslū (Polisc: Wrocław, Germanisc: Breslau) is sēo mǣste burg in Polalandes westdæle. Hēo stent be Oder Ēa in þǣm Niðeran Sysylalande, 25 mīla benorþen þǣm Sudeten Beorgum.

Ðēos burg is Sysylalandes stǣrlice hēafodburg.

In hiere langan stǣr wæs Breslū in amnigum rīcum: in Polalande þǣm Cynerīce, in Bǣmarīce, in Ungerlande, in Ēastrīces rīce, in Prēosslande, and in Germanie. Hēo weard Polalandes dæl in 1945 æfter þǣm Gewinn.

In 2014 wæron 634 487 wunendas in Breslū þærof is hēo Pola feowerþ ceaster.

  1. Powierzchnia i ludność w przekroju terytorialnym w 2008. (GUS), [1].
  2. http://demografia.stat.gov.pl/bazademografia/Tables.aspx.