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Þrines and Tobāgo

Fram Wikipǣdian
(Edlǣded of Þrīnes and Tobago)
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Þrines and Tobāgo
Trinidad and Tobago
Þēodlic cwide: Together we aspire, Together we achieve
(Englisc: "Ætgædre fundiað ƿe, Ætgædre frummað ƿe")
Ambihtlicu sprǣc Nīƿenglisc
Heafodstol Port of Spain
Brego Anþony Carmona Foresittend
Forma Þegn Keiþ Roƿley
Bradnes 1,981 mīla in feoƿerscytum
Menniscu 1,328,019
Feoh Þrines and Tobāgo dāler
Tidgyrdel Eallic tid UTC−04:00, America/Port_of_Spain
Wægnplatung TT
Webbnamena tægl .tt
Getalu forerīma feorsprecan be lande +1868

Þrines and Tobāgo is rīce of tƿǣm īeglandum þæt līð in þǣm Caribiscan Sǣ be norðen Sūðamerican norþernum brimecge. Þæs miclum landes rīm is seofen mīla of Þrinese þǣre īege and hiere niehsta hēafodlandes rīce is Fenesƿela.

Ǣr belimpedon þissa īege Bretƿare ac þæt folc geaf Þrines and Tobāgo sundorrīcehād in 1976. Tōdæg is sƿylce rīce in þǣre Þēodacyneƿīsan.

Rīcu in Norðamerican
Antigua and Barbuda | Þā Bahamas | Barbados | Belīs | Canada | Cūba | Dīepþland | Dominica | seo Dominicanisce Cynewise | Geanedu Ricu | Grenadieg | Guatemala | Hǣlendlond | Haitieg | Halga Uincentius and þa Grenadingas | Iamaica | Mexico | Nicaragua | Panama | Sanctus-Christophes and Nefis | Sancte Lucia | Þrines and Tobāgo | Weligrima
Nēatlandu: Anguilla | Aruba | Bermuda | Bryttiscan Fæmne Iegland | Cægman Iegland | G.R. Fæmne Īegland | Grēneland | Guadelūp | Halga Petrus and Micelong | Martinic | Montserrat | Nafāssa-Īeg | Niðerlandisc Antilles | Ricehyð | Turcas and Caicos Īegland