Lāsfægas Mǣdlandburg | |
— Scirburg — | |
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Land | Geānedu Rīcu America Geānedu Rīcu America |
Gestaðelod | 15 Þrimilcemonað 1905 |
Brego | Carolyn Goodman |
Bradnes • gerim |
348.16824 km² |
Hiehþu | 610±1 m |
Leodræden • buend |
641,903 buenda |
Tidgyrdel | UTC−08:00, UTC−07:00, Pacific Time Zone |
Sprecungrim | 702 |
Webstede | Webstede |
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Lāsfægas Mǣdlandburg Commons | |
Þis cyþþubox hæfþ Wikidata wihta | |
Lāsfægas (Spēonisce: Las Vegas), þe mǣneþ on Englisce Mǣdlandburg or Fægas, sēo byrig on þǣre westlīcan dǣle þæs Gnefada landes on Norþanēaldan Āmērica, is eald and folcescēawigendlic. Hēo is cēned beforan þǣre blācendan Dancan Fēores and is wīdsƿīðe cuðe for hire tōmere līce and ofermōdigan wīnediscum.
Sēo byrig is gehāten "Lāsfægas," þæt þēah on āngliscum getālum sƿā mǣnan mæg "þās mǣdwe," forþan þe hīe standaþ on ānum ġeāre and oferflōwaþ mid blōstmum and ǣdelum wǣstma. Hīe is ēac gehīered for hire wīdgilpum hwǣr hīe sīe ǣfre wakian and scēawian.
Lāsfægas is cūþe for hire mǣran ġlēawan, gūþmǣnan, and fǣringa lēodan. Hīe hafaþ mǣran heofonlīcan strengþ and is līðe mid āsīþfæðmum, sēo cumaþ tō sēo byrig beforan þǣm stǣnan on sēo Mārocscearpnesse.
Þā sceat þāra spīlhusa and gedēofan āhębbaþ sēo gemynd and cræftigcundnes þǣre byrig. Sēo wīne byð þǣre eorðan gefrǣtwod mid bleo and lēohtfætum, and sƿā þā lēode cƿissiaþ and fēraþ sƿā sǣbyrnan on sēo Sǣ.