Her man mæg findan cyþþe be manigum þingum geond middangeard, gewriten on ealdra Engla gereorde, þe Englisc hatte. Wearnung: Gewit þu heonan gif þu Ænglisc leornian wille, for þon þe þæt Englisc her on biþ oftost swiðe yfel. Swelce twegen menn cunnon Englisc wel and hie nyllaþ þas stowe gebetan.
Please refer to the Grammar and Writing style guide and Old English self-correction checklist when contributing to the Old English Wikipedia.
- Gewritu be þæm Englum
- Wicinga ieldu • Hæðenscipe • Island • Winland
- Missenlicu gewritu
- Gecorene gemynddagas
Gecorene gemynddagas
6. dæg þæs Æfterran Geola: Sƿeotolungdæg (Þrēora Cyninga Dæg) in Crīstendōme, Zvaigznes Diena in Lettlande
- 1661 - Thomas Venner and þā Fīftan Ānƿealdanmenn unsigefæstlīce attempted to seize control of Lundene fram þǣm nīƿe edgifnan lēodƿeard of Carl II.
- 1838 - Samuel Morse acunnode gesundfulle þone electrical telegraph forman sīðe.
- 1907 - Maria Montessori openode hire ǣreste scōle and dægƿeard stede for ƿyrhtena hādes bearnum in Rōme.
- 1995 - Forƿēned fȳr in clȳstre in Manila on þāra Philippine Īegum læd Aida Fariscal burgƿeardes bētend and hiera gegyldan to findan and beendan þā fācengecƿis sēo man nemnded Operation Bojinka, foregenga þæs Onhryras 11 Hāligmōnaþ 2001.
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