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Þēodlic Fōtball Leaga

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Þēodlic Fōtball Leaga
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Ymele:National Football League logo.svg
Þēodlic Fōtball Leaga
Ǣror Americanisc Profēowill Fōtballl Cemp (1920)
Americanisc Profēowill Fōtball Gefēre
Pleȝa Americanisc fōtball
Onsteald Haligmonað 17, 1920; 104 years ago (1920-09-17)
Cantūn, Ohio, C.R.A.[1][2]
Fyrst tīma 1920
Hū mæniȝ tēamas 32
Rīċa United States
Most recent ċeampmenn Cǣnsasburg Eorls
Mǣst ċeampscipas Grēnebeǣċ Pæcceras
(13 ċeampscipas)
Rihtƿebbsīde https://www.nfl.com

Þæt Þēodlic Fōtball Leaga (NFL) (Niwenglisc: National Football League) is ā profēowill Americanisc fōtball leaga. Þǣr sind 32 tīemas on þām leage, and gesewene ān of þā mǣstan profēowill spēdung leaga þāre Geanedan Ricu and Canada. Þā 32 tīemas sind ġedǣled on twām ƿeorcum gecīeged þæt "Āmerican Fōtball Cemp," and þæt "Þēodlic Fōtball Cemp." Binnan þysum twām ƿeorcum sind fēower under-ƿeorcum of fēower tīemum. Se leaga is ān of þā mǣstan lēofesten spēdung leagena on Eorþe.


[adiht | adiht fruman]

Ðæt NFL becomþ of 32 geþēode tō swā fēower winstrungum hæfenum, gehālgodum on tō sīðe. Ƿilnungle geþēodaþ in on fēower þrungum of fēower hæfenum ælcum. Wudu gemǣnelīce tid, ǣlc hǣmed meaht habban syx and fīftig þegnas on his rōstere; ænlīce eahta and fēowertig of ðām mōton beon gefēran (gearwe tō gemæccan) on tō sīðum spēldagum.[3] Ælc hǣmed mæg eac habban sixtīene þegnas on āna bēon ([4]

Ælc NFL hǣmed is geuƿillod franchise, ðæs līges gefeorhæd fōr tō ætēon on his hēafod būre. Ðæs franchise hæfð hēafodtūnriht (Ðæt 75 mīlum geƿīcung on ðām rīcegrennan, oððe, gif ðæt hǣmed is wiðinn hund mīlum ānes ōðres līge rīce, hālf ðæs ƿeges betƿēon þām twām burgum) and hēafodƿeardtūnriht (<Hēafodtūnriht ġewīc ðæs rīcegrennan, ǣac ðæs staðes ðæs hǣmed in on spēltīd būaþ on for þæs ġemēres). Ælc NFL geƿita hæfð seolc andcyne tō beran ǣnige līgspēlende on his hēafodtūnrihte and ðæs āna rīht tō bysene, fremian, and līgspēl hǣlan on his hēafodƿeardtūnrihte. Þæt sind beƿeotule etan tō ðisse rīle, þeaƿes stæppe tō geƿyrcean: hǣmedas þe on ðām ymestan burgum wuniaþ (ē.g., Nīƿe ƿeorc and Los Angeles) oþþe on ðām ymestan rīce (ē.g., California, Florida, and Texas) dǣlaþ þā rīhte tō ðǣre byrig hēafodtūnrihte and þās rīhte tō ðǣre rīce hēafodƿeardtūnrihte, sƿā mǣste.

Ƒ ǣlc NFL hǣmed is bēased on ðǣre nearwe Ameriġan Landas. Ȝeorne hǣmed næs bēased on ūtlande, þæs Jacksonville Jaguars ongan þrēa geƿeorcan æt Wembley Stadium in Lunden, England, sīððan 2013 tō bysene ðæs NFL Ġeondlandisce Serian. Ðā Jaguars' sārrung mid Wembley wæs ǣrseƿen tō geƿyrcean on 2016 ac wæs ǣcenned tō 2020 Ƿrǣċan on Ƿinter 'Ȝesetnes' on Ƿiþ ðæs COFID-19 myċelcoþu.[5] Ðā Las Vegas Raiders (ðonne on Ƿacland) spēladon Ƿiþ ælc ġeare in London, ƿīle ælc ðǣra Los Angeles hǣmeda (Rams, Ceorlas) spēlodon ġeƿeorca þǣr from 2016 tō 2019.[6][7][8]

Ðā Buffalo Bills spēladon Ƿiþ ælc gēare æt Rogers Centre in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, sƿā þe ætƿinden þæs Bills Toronto Series fram Bysen:NflyBysen:Nfly. Ġeƿissode ƿæs Ƿexīco ǣac Ƿiþ ġeƿissode līgespēl, Ƿiðƿunnod 2005 gēam ætƿin Ȝan Franċisco 49ers and Arizona Cardinals, cenned "Fūtbol Ameriġano",[9] and 39 ǣrendlīce hāmƿīġuncgēamas wǣron ȝeƿorhte fram 1986 tō 2005 swā þe sƿāþe Ameriġan Bǣle series.[10] Þrīe tōƿic ǣrendlīce gēamas hæfð syþþan ȝeƿeorht in Ƿexīco.[11]

Be 'Forbes' ǣcenned, ðā Dallas Cowboys, æt nēah US$8 milian, sint ðæs mǣst weorþfull NFL hǣmed and ðæs mǣst weorþfull līgespēla. [12]

National Football League (NFL) Clubs
Conference Division
City Stadium
Capacity First
AFC Ēast Buffalon Rēsung Orceardpārce, NY Highmark Stadium 71,608 Sean McDermott
Mīamig Delfīnes Miāmagerdenu, FL Heardrōc Geflitstede 64,767 Mike McDaniel
Nīwe Englaland Ēþelgēþēode Foxbyrg, MA Gillette Geflitstede 65,878 Bill Belichick
Nīwe Eoforwīc Scūrungflēogan Ēastrutherfordinga, NJ MetLife Geflitstede 82,500 Robert Saleh
Norþ Bealdimōr Hræfnas Bealdimōr, MD M&T Banc Geflitstede 71,008 John Harbaugh
Sinsignātig Bengalisc Sinsignātig, OH Paycor Geflitstede 65,515 Zac Taylor
Clēafaland Brūns Clēafaland, OH Cleveland Browns Stadium 67,895 Kevin Stefanski
Pyttesburh Stelanƿyrhta Pyttesburh, PA Acrisure Stadium 68,400 Mike Tomlin
Sūþ Hūsestūn Tēacisc Hūsestūn, TX NRG Stadium 71,995 DeMeco Ryans
Indieabyrg Folas Indieabyrg, IN Lucas Oil Stadium 63,000 Shane Steichen
Iǣxcūnbyrg Īeguaras Iǣxcūnbyrg, FL EverBank StadiumBysen:Refn 67,814 Doug Pederson
Tenesīeg Tītans Gnashfyll, TN Nissan Stadium 69,143 Mike Vrabel
ƿest Denaford Brūncorsas Denaford, CO Empower Field at Mile High 76,125 Sean Payton
Cǣnsasburg Eorls Cǣnsasburg, MO GEHA Field at Arrowhead Stadium 76,416 Andy Reid
Lās Vegas Sǣrǣferas Lāsfægas, NV Allegiant Stadium 65,000 Antonio Pierce
Lōsandgelis Elecþringas Ingelwudu, CA SoFi Stadium 70,240 Brandon Staley
ÞFC Ēast Dællas Cūcnapas Ārclingtūn, TX AT&T Stadium 80,000 Mike McCarthy
Nīwe Eoforwīc Entas Ēastrutherfordinga, NJ MetLife Stadium 82,500 Brian Daboll
Broþorlufeburh Earnas Broþorlufeburh, PA Lincoln Financial Field 69,176 Nick Sirianni
Hƿæsingatun Cynehȳrde Londofor, MD Fedexfeld 62,000 Ron Rivera
Norþ Cīcagō Beras Cicēa, IL Wealhstodfeld 61,500 Matt Eberflus
Dēotford Lēonas Dēotford, MI Fordfeld 65,000 Dan Campbell
Grēnebeǣċ Pæcceras Grēnebeǣċ, WI Lambeaufeld 81,441 Matt LaFleur
Minnisōta Wīcingas Minnegceaster, MN U.S. Bank Stadium 66,860 Kevin O'Connell
Sūþ Atlanta Fēalcanas Ætlanda, GA Mercedes-Benz Geflitstede 71,000 Arthur Smith
Carolīna Pancearas Ceorlette, NC Banc of Amerīca Geflitstede 75,523 Frank Reich
Nīwe Orlēans Hālgan Nīweorlēans, LA Cēsar Micelinnhūsbeorg 73,208 Dennis Allen
TæmpanbeǣċSǣrāpere Tampa, FL Rǣdmund Hāmēd Geflitstede 65,618 Todd Bowles
ƿest Arizōna Rēadcardinales Glenndæl, AZ Lēodtūn Geflitstede 63,400 Jonathan Gannon
Lōsandgelis Ramms Engleweudu, CA SoFi Stadium 70,240 Sean McVay
Hālgaġosef Feoƿertigscītan Sēogecorene Clara, CA Lēofī Geflitstede 68,500 Kyle Shanahan
Sīatl Sǣhafoc Sīatl, WA Lumenfeld 69,000 Pete Carroll

Gemenagode ƿritas

[adiht | adiht fruman]
  1. Battista, Judy (September 16, 2020). "Remembering the NFL's humble origins on its 100th birthday". NFL Enterprises. https://www.nfl.com/news/remembering-the-nfl-s-humble-origins-on-its-100th-birthday. 
  2. NFL founded in Canton. Pro Football Hall of Fame (1 Æfterra Geola 2005).
  3. Battista, Judy (Gerȳne 15, 2020). "NFL þegnas gefadian CBA: Ēacan on līge on 2020 and beƿundenan". http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap3000001106247/article/nfl-þegnas-gefadian-cba-ēacan-on-līge-on-2020-and-beƿundenan. 
  4. Volin, Ben (Gerȳne 15, 2020). "Ðæt NFL hæfð nīƿe CBA. Hēr sind his mǣste ēaca". https://www.bostonglobe.com/2020/03/15/sports/nfl-þegnascipe-ǣlceƿunige-ƿið-hiwan-byð/. 
  5. NFL, Jaguars ǣtƿindan Ƿrǣcen tō spēlan Ƿiþ Wembley beƿið 2020
  6. Hwī dēð ðæt NFL gēota gesmēagunga gēamu tō Lunden? (Ðunor 15, 2021).
  7. Rams eodorċȳpe þrȳ ƿīlie ȝeond Lunden (Ðunor 19, 2016).
  8. Rams tō spēlan in Lunden, Ceorlas Will Ƿesan Mexica Ċēapu in 2020 (Ɩanuarius 21, 2019).
  9. "Se ær Ƿurðian in Mēxico Byrig". NFL Enterprises. Se ƿeodmona 28, 2005. http://www.nfl.com/news/story/8903133. 
  10. Chadiha, Jeffri (Weodmona ƿeodmona 24, 2007). "Ǣndeoƿeart fremod: Lunden gēam gedeorcnung tō NFLes ǣmƿealde ƿeƿunan". ESPN.com. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/columns/story?columnist=chadiha_jeffri&id=3076766. 
  11. "Bæc tō Ƿexīco: Texasan-Ceorldan tō spēlan Nov. 21 in Ƿexīco Byrig". NFL Enterprises. http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap3000000632878/article/bæc-tō-Ƿexīco-texansraiders-tō-spēlan-nov-21-in-Ƿexīco-byrig. 
  12. NFL Tīm Weorþ 2022: Dallas Cowboys Sint Se ƿrīosta Franchise Wurþ $8 Billion (Augu 22, 2022).
  13. 13.0 13.1 Teams. Pro Football Hall of Fame.
  14. Breer, Albert (July 6, 2012). "NFL stadiums go from boom to swoon in span of a decade". NFL Enterprises. http://www.nfl.com/news/story/09000d5d82a5c85c/article/nfl-stadiums-go-from-boom-to-swoon-in-span-of-a-decade. 
  15. History of NFL franchises, 1920–present. Pro Football Hall of Fame.