Wikipǣdia:Gecorene gemynddagas/2 Solmonaþ
2. dæg Solmonþes: Candelmæsse (Western Crīstendōm); Grundhogg Dæg in Canadan and on þæm Geānedum Rīcum.
- 962 - Iohannes XII Pāpa bēagode Odda se Micla swā Hālig Romanisc Cāsere, se forma æfter nēah 40 wintrum.
- 1848 - Seo Mexicisce-Americisce Gūþ endode þǣr onsigloden man þa Guadalupe Hidalgo Foremæl, þærin afengon þā Geānedu Rīcu American þone Mexico Rȳmunge.
- 1925 - Lǣccedōm onstalas ƿið outbreak of diphtheria acōmon Nome, Alasca on hundscridum, and ðis ðing inbryrdede þone gearlīca Iditarod ræs ofer Alascan.
- 1943 - Seo Stalingrad Beadu endode, and 91,000 ƿērige and hungrige Þēodsce cempan lǣhte se Rēadhere.
- 1990 - F.W. de Klerk Foresittend asƿutoled Apartheides ende on Sūþaffricum.