Hālig Rōmānisc Rīce
(Edlǣded of Hālig Romanisc Rīce)
Þis ȝeƿrit mæȝ clǣnung þurfan tō healdenne tōgædre mid þǣm cynde bisena Ƿicipǣdies. Bidde betera þis ȝeƿrit ȝif þū meahte. |
Þæt Hālge Rōmānisce Rīce (fram þǣm 16. gēarhundrede þæt Hālge Rōmānisce Rīce of Þēodiscre Þēode) ƿæs gaderung þǣm landum in Middeleurope þe arās fram Ēastfrancena Rīce þæs 962. gēares.
His lādmann ƿæs se Hālga Rōmānisca Cāsere.
Hit endode in þǣm 1806. gēare; his æftergenga ƿæs þæt Þēodisce Gæd (Germanisc: Deutscher Bund).
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