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Wikipǣdia:Gecorene gemynddagas/9 Mædmonað

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9. dæg Mædmonðes: Sundorrīcesdæg in Argentinan.

Carl Brycg

  • 1357 - Se grundstān þǣre Carl Brycg (āmētte) in Prag ƿæs be Carl IV Hālig Rōmānisc Cāsere gelegd.
  • 1816 - Se Tucumán Gemōt sƿutoled Argentinan sundorrīcedōm, be hiere ǣrnaman, se is þā Geānlǣhtedan Underrīce þǣre Platan ēa, of Spēonland.
  • 1922 - Johnny Weissmuller sƿamm þone 100-meter freoƿise ryne in 58.6 seconds, breaking ƿoruld sund record and the "minute barrier."
  • 1955 - Ðā Russell-Einstein Sƿeotolunge ƿæs forþypped onmiddan þǣre Cealdgūþe, calling for geþæhte ðærin motan ƿītan "appraise the perils that have arisen as a result of the development of ƿǣpnas of ealcƿale."
  • 2002 - Ðone Affricaniscan Gæd staðoled man in Durban on Sūðaffrican, and ceas ðe Thabo Mbeki Sūðafrican Foresittend biþ his ǣrrosta hēafodmann.