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Wikipǣdia:Gecorene gemynddagas/16 Mædmonað

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16. dæg Mædmonðes : Godbōtdæg on Iudeum;Marine Dæg in Iapan (2007).

"Trinity", seo ǣrrste cyrnebystung

  • 622 – The epoch þǣre Islamiscan gerīmbēc occurred, and betǣcnð þone gear hƿǣrin cēped Muhammad his Flēam of MeccanMedīnan.
  • 1769Spēonisc munuc Junípero Serra staðoled Mission San Diego de Alcalá, sēo ǣrrste Franciscan sande in Hēam Californie þǣm lande of Nīƿe Spēonland.
  • 1945Manhattan Project: "Trinity", ǣrost cyrnƿǣpnes oferfundennes, gebyrsted man neah Alamogordo, Nīƿe Mexico on þǣm Geānlǣhtum Rīcum. (on biliðe)
  • 1979Saddam Hussein replaced the resigning Ahmed Hassan al-Bakr sƿā Iraces foresittend, æfter ðe he hæfde be stalgangum agnetted geƿeald of his gesƿēor.
  • 1994Þunor þæt dƿeoligende tungol ƿæs gestricen be brytsenum of Shoemaker-Levy 9 þæs cometan, causing a fireball which reached a hēast temperature of about 24,000 K.