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Ƿēdnesdæg is þǣre ƿuce dæg betƿēonan Tīƿesdæge and Þunresdæge. Se nama cymþ of þǣm Ealdan Engliscan geþēode, and hē getācnaþ "Ƿēdnes dæg". Sēo steorƿigles tācnung þæs plānetan Mercury spelaþ Ƿēdnesdæg, sē þe ƿæs dies mercurii þǣm Rōmānum. On Englisce, þes ƿearþ Ƿēdnes Dæg, for þǣm þe se rōmānisce god Mercurius ƿearþ geefned mid Ƿēdne in norðernum Europan.

Hƿonne Sunnandæg is genumen sƿā se fyrmesta dæg þǣre ƿuce, se dæg in þǣm middle þǣre folgiendan ƿuce is Ƿēdnesdæg. Gelīclīce, se Þēodisca nama Ƿōdnesdæges ƿæs ǣr Mittwoch (rihte: "midƿucu") sīþ þǣm 10an Gēarhundrede, for þǣm þe hē forþrang þone fruman naman: Ƿodanstag.

Ƿēdnesdæg is ēac in þǣm middle þǣre mǣnelican ƿeorcƿuce fram Mōnandæge þurh Frīgedæg. Ac, sēo ēac Þunresdæg and ISO 8601.

In þǣm folclēoðe, "Ƿēdnesdæges Cild is ƿāfull".

In Spēonisce, miércoles brȳcþ man tō getācnienne Ƿēdnesdæg, ac ēac sƿā sāmceorlisc speliendƿord for nǣfre ǣfre.

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Sēo ēac

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