Uictor Emmanuel III Italia Cyning
Uictor Emmanuel III | |
Hus | Sauoigingas |
Fæder | Hunbeorht I |
Modor | Margherita of Savoy |
Geboren | 11 Blotmonað 1869 Naples |
Deaþ | 28 Gēolmōnaþ 1947 Alexandria |
Handseten |
Uictor Emmanuel III wæs Eotolwara Cyning fram 29. dæg Mædmonðes 1900 oððæt ðe he forscrah his cynedom on 9. dæg Þrimilcemonðes 1946. Each ricsode he swa Sigelhearwena Casere fram 1936 oþ 1941 þan his þeod gehiersomode þæt rice and Liubena Cyning fram 1939 oþ 1943.
He wæs cyning on Italie siex and feowtig winter. Uictor Emmanuel fang to rice in 1900 þan wrohtsmiþ slog his fæder, Hunbeorht I. In his cynedom wigode Italiarice twa Woruldguða. In 1922 be niede insettede se Cyning Benito Mussolini to beonne his forma þegn, and be þisse þeodscipe mid 'Fascismus' feall se Cyning in orweorðe.