Benito Mussolini

Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini (ƿæs geboren þæs 29. þæs Æfterran Līðan þæs 1883. - cƿæl þæs 28. Ēastermōnðes þæs 1945.) ƿæs Italisc stēormǣlmann, tīdungƿrītere, and se lādmann þæs Þēodlican Gilmrǣdlican Stēormǣlhēapes; hē rīcsode on þām lande tō Forman Þegne fram þǣm 1922. gēare ōþ þæt hē ƿæs aƿorpen in þǣm 1943. gēare. He rīcsode æfer staðolƿrite ōþ þæt 1925. gēar, þǣr hē aƿearp eall lēasettunge ymb folcƿeald and staðolode lahlic tictatores ƿeald. On Italisce hēht hine man Il Duce, þe mǣneþ "se lādmann"; and hē ƿæs sƿīðe hefig hād on þǣre scippunge gilmrǣdes.