Teutoburg Weald Beadu
Teutoburg Weald Beadu was fēoht þæs Rēmiscan Here wið Germaniscan mægþum under Hermanne Cyninge. Hermann hæfde sige and seo fēoht endede þæs Rōmāniscan Rīces willnunge to gehiersumenne Germanie.
In þæm geare 9 æfter Cristes cyme, sende Agustus Quintillus þone consul on Germanie mid þrim legian. Ac hiora wearþ ælc ofslagon būton þæm consule ānum. For þære dæde wearþ Agustus swa sarig þæt he oft unwitende slog mid his heafde on þone wag, þonne he on his setle sæt, and þone consul he het ofslean.
Æfter þæm Germanie gesōhton Agustus ungeniedde him to friþe, and he fogeaf þone nið þe he to him wiste.
[adihtan | adiht fruman]In þæm geare 9 ærre Criste fōron Agustes Caseres legian ofer Rīne of Gallie and gehiersumodon ealla mægþa betwuh Rīne and Ælfe. Rōmware wolde eall þæt land weorþian nīw Rōmānisc underrīce Germania Magna.
Hermann (Lǣden: Arminius) wæs æþeling on þære mægþ sēo is on Lædene Cherusci ac hwæs nama on hiera aganspræc ne wit man. He þeowede swa Rōmānisc fēða beforan þa fōr he eft on Germanie.
In þæm gēare 9 brōhtede Uarus his þrie legian andlang weg dēop in wealde. Hermann mid þæm Cherusci abrācon of þæm wude and hie onsæccedon.
Þa Germaniscan wigan cwelledon eall þa Rēmiscan fēðan būton mitse. Hiera lice forlēt hie on þæm grunde and hiera byrnas nægledon to trēowum. Þes blōdegesa lēt ege in Rōmwara hertum.
Uarus slōg selfe æfter þæm gefēohte; Hermann hine behēafde and sende his hēafod tō oðrum cyninge sē hine sende tō Rōmbyrige.
[adihtan | adiht fruman]In þæm geare 14 fōr Germanius Rēmisc æþeling on Germanie mid his legian and þā lice afund. Þā Rēmiscan fēðan byrgedon þā licas þā legon hie.
In 1989 fund man þæs cempstede be þæm licum and byrnum.
[adihtan | adiht fruman]For þære fēohte twa þūsendþan gēar in 2009 ge brēmede man in Germanie þā beadwe, ac ne on Eotolwarum.