Showing results for grēat. No results found for Gr1st.
Scypp þone tramet "Gr1st" on þissum wiki! Seoh eac þa þing þa wæron gefunden.
- Grēat Langtūn (Nīƿe Englisc: Great Langton) is āc tūne in Englaland, þǣrtō scīr of Eoforƿīce. His eald nama ƿæs Langton-upon-Swale....299 bytes (22 worda) - 03:10, 9 Þrimilcemonað 2018
- Grēat Cælc (Niwenglisc: Great Kelk) is þorp in þæm East Þriding, se is Eoferƿicscire dǣl, on Englum....295 bytes (17 worda) - 14:49, 17 Haligmonað 2022
- Grēat Coldūn (Niwenglisc: Great Cowden) is þorp in þæm East Þriding, se is Eoferƿicscire dǣl, on Englum....308 bytes (17 worda) - 19:04, 8 Eastermonað 2023
- Grēat Hǣþfeld (Niwenglisc: Great Hatfield) is þorp in þæm East Þriding, se is Eoferƿicscire dǣl, on Englum. Mid Lȳtelum Hǣþfelda. ġesċieppaþ hie þone...433 bytes (26 worda) - 19:37, 8 Eastermonað 2023
- "Grēat Bryten". On Rōmƿarum ƿæs his nama Britannia, on Englum "Breten", ac Lydƿic (þæt is Bretland) and Bryten-īeg dƿilmodon menn, and ƿearþ "Grēat Bryten"...1 KB (112 worda) - 16:33, 25 Hreðmonað 2018
- ƿord brūcan tō hātenne gelīc tungol þe ymbgā ōðerne planētan. Hē nis sƿā grēat sƿā ǣnig þāra Sinnlicre Endebyrdnesse planētena. Se dæg Mōnandæg is genemned...563 bytes (56 worda) - 03:44, 1 Solmonað 2022
- Þæt Ƿoruldƿīde Ƿebb (WWW) is sƿīþe grēat betƿeoxbend of ƿebbsīdum þe is gebrocen fram manigum hādum geond þā ƿorulde. Hit ƿæs geƿorht fram Tim Berners-Lee...329 bytes (36 worda) - 03:01, 14 Æfterra Liða 2019
- Rio de Janeiro is grēat ceaster in Brasile in Sūðamerican. His nama in Portuglisce mǣneþ þæs Æfteran Gēolan ēa. Þis gewrit is stycce. Þu most Wikipædie...221 bytes (30 worda) - 10:15, 9 Weodmonað 2015
- Sƿeartƿeald is grēat ƿeald in Germanie. Þis gewrit is stycce. Þu most Wikipædie mid ætiecunge hire helpan....250 bytes (17 worda) - 22:42, 30 Hreðmonað 2018
- Pecing (on Cīnisce 北京, oþþe Běijīng) is grēat burg on Cīnan and se hēafodstōl þǣre Cīnan Folclīcan Cyneƿīsan. Ðisse ceastre nama tācnaþ "se norðerne hēafodstōl"...814 bytes (46 worda) - 06:05, 19 Winterfylleð 2024
- Ēac seoh Nile. Sēo Nīl is grēat, lang ēa in Affrican. Hēo flēƿþ þurh Ægypt. Þis gewrit is stycce. Þu most Wikipædie mid ætiecunge hire helpan....178 bytes (26 worda) - 11:36, 24 Hreðmonað 2023
- þe is nēan 274,200 fēoƿerscētra þūsendmetera (105,900 fēoƿerscētra mīla) grēat. Be him licgaþ six land, þe sind: Mali be norþdǣle, Benin bn sūþēastdǣle...1 KB (122 worda) - 14:40, 24 Se Æfterra Gēola 2022
- Nicor oþþe sǣhengest is grēat ƿyrtetende socdēor þe ƿunaþ on Affrica under þǣm Saharaƿēstne. Hē is ongemang landdēorum hefigost, and þæt þridde efentāhōfdēor...296 bytes (25 worda) - 23:02, 15 Hreðmonað 2018
- Tenōchtitlan wæs an grēat burg in middel-Mexico. Sēo burg wæs gegrundweallian wiþ sē Mexica þēod in sē ġēar 1325. Tēnochtitlan wæs abreotan þurh sē Spēonisc...393 bytes (38 worda) - 07:28, 23 Þrimilcemonað 2020
- Burg is bemetendlīce grēat and gelǣstende būend. Þēah menn ne ancordaþ ymb hū burg is tōmearcod fram tūne innan Engliscum andgietum, maniga byrig habbaþ...2 KB (204 worda) - 10:32, 24 Sēremōnaþ 2022
- þǣre cnēorise Corvidae. Hīe sind on micelnesse fram sƿā grēat sƿā culfergrēat cēo oþ sƿā grēat sƿā se gemǣna hræfn þæs brādan norðernan landscipes and...1 KB (117 worda) - 04:21, 29 Hreðmonað 2018
- Þæt Grēate Rōmisce Fȳr, sƿā ƿrāt Tacitus, ongann in Rōme on þǣm ǣfne þæs 18. Mǣdmōnaðes, in þǣm 64. gēare. Fela Rōmānƿare ƿunodon in bredenum hūse lēas...316 bytes (43 worda) - 17:20, 13 Þrimilcemonað 2018
- Iacobus Cōc (on Nīƿenglisce hātte James Cook) ƿæs grēat Bryttisc onfindend and ƿegscētƿrītend þe endlīce ƿearþ Hēafodmann þæs Cyninglican Scipheres. Iacobus...1 KB (115 worda) - 20:38, 4 Eastermonað 2018
- ƿihttēounge þæs līces; þā lyfta his sind healden langor gif ƿihttēoung is grēat and þæs lyfthelmes ƿeder is ceald. Sume planētan standaþ hēafodlice on missenlicum...810 bytes (69 worda) - 16:13, 12 Blotmonað 2020
- Þā Olympisc Gamen sind grēat betƿuxþēodlic gelimp mid sumorindryhtum and ƿinterindryhtum, hƿǣr mænig þūsend campmenn in mænigum gamencampum plegaþ. Þā...5 KB (90 worda) - 21:11, 17 Solmonað 2022