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Lambhyð se Lunden Burgscipe

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Lambhyð se Lunden Burgscipe
—  Lunden Burgscipe  —
Wæterloh Isernwegwic


Land  Geāned Cynerīce Geāned Cynerīce
Heafodstol Lambhyð
Gestaðelod 1 Eastermonað 1965
Brego Lib Peck
• gerim

26.8101 km²
• buend

325,917 buenda
Tidgyrdel UTC±00:00, UTC+01:00
Sprecungrim 020
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Þis cyþþubox hæfþ Wikidata wihta

Lambhyð se Lunden Burgscipe is to þegung læppa on Temes suðofre (in Suþrige) in þæm ceasterscipe se is seo Mare Lunden. His nama is fram Lambhyðbyrig. Þes burgscipe wæs gesceappen in 1965 and hæfþ ymbe 317,000 onwunendas.

In þisse burscipe sind manig tunas, þærof sind Lambhyð, Cleopanham and Strætham.

Lundnes Burgscipas

BarnetBerecingas and DæccanhamBregentBromleagByxleagCampdenuCrogdenuCynesigantun and CealchyðCyningestun on TemesEnanfeldGillingasGislandunGrenewicHacaniegHammersmiþþe and FullanhamHaferingasHeargeHillendunHundeshlæwHæringeshægLambhyðLiofshemaLundenceasterInnera TempulMiddel Tempul MeretunNiwhamReadbrycgSceon on TemesSuþtunSuþweorcTurr HamstedasWaltham WealdWendelesordeWestmynster