Siexta Gebētung þære Grundgesetnesse þāra Geānedra Rīca American
Sēo Siexta Gebētung þære Grundgesetnesse þāra Geānedra Rīca American is in þæm Rihtgewrit and þēos gebētung setteþ forþ riht be scyldigunge. He wæs gecewed in þæm Gemōte in 1789.
Se Ealdorrihtærn hæfþ gedēmed þe þisse gebētunge weardaþ menn in eallum rīcum þæs Gædes þurh þā Fēowertēoþa Gebētunge.
[adihtan | adihtan fruman]Sēo Siexta Gebētung segþ:
- In eallum scyldigungum, sceall se betihtleda mann benugan þæt riht to spēdig ceac and openlic, be efnum ǣwdum þæs rīces and þæs læppan þærin wæs gedōn þæt scyld, swa swa is swylca læppa ǣfæstlice astiht, and to bēon gecȳðed of þæs tyhtlan and andweorces; to standan wiþ þā cȳðeras wiþ hine; to habban genēdelic forþgeong to he meaht abiddan cȳðeras on his healfe, and to habban the rǣdboran fultum for his forespræce.
[adihtan | adihtan fruman]Gebētung þære Grundgesetnesse þāra Geānedan Rīca American | |
Grungesetnes •
I •
II •
IV •
V •
VI •
IX •
X • | |