Fēowertēoþa Gebētung þære Grundgesetnesse þāra Geānedra Rīca American
[adihtan | adihtan fruman]Āsnīþung sēo Forme. Ealle hādas borene oþþe landriht ġeþeġene innan þǣm Ġeānedum Landum, under þǣm ānwealde þærof, bēoþ burhguman þāra Ġeānedra Landa and þæs Landes on þǣm þe hīe wuniġaþ. Nā Land sceal ǣniġe ǣ lǣdan oþþe bedrīfan sēo þe mæġe þā frēolsas oþþe þā orcēasnessa þāra burhgumena þāra Ġeānedra Landa ġescyrtan; ne sceal ǣniġ Land ǣniġne hād þæs līfes, þæs dōmes, oþþe þǣre āgenunge beniman, nefne þurh fæste forþfōre þǣre ǣ; ne ǣniġum hāde beinnan sīnum ānwealde efne ġescildnesse þǣre ǣ wiþsacan.
Āsnīþung sēo Ōðru. Speliġenda sculon ġemang þǣm syndriġum Landum aefter hierum tōscēadenum talum weorþan ġedǣled, þæt hāle rīm þāra hāda on ǣlċum Lande tō rīmenne, nimþe æffrumliċe Americawaru ne ġegafelode. Būtan þonne þæt ġeriht tō ġeċēosanne æt ǣniġum ġecorenscipe for þǣm cyre þāra ċēasegena for Fōresittende and Wrixlfōresittende þāra Ġeānedra Landa, Speliġendum innan Folcġemōte, þǣm Āstēorendlīċum and Dōmlīċum ġerēfum ānes Landes, oþþe þǣm liþum þæs ǣlādtēowhādes þǣrof, weorþe ǣniġum werlīċan wuniġende swylċes Landes wiþsacen, ān and twēntiġ ġēare and burhguman þāra Ġeānedra Landa tō bēonne, oþþe innan ǣniġre wīsan ġescyrted, nimþe fram dǣlnumelnesse on upedwīġe oþþe ōþrum māne innan, þonne sēo syll þǣre eftandweardiġunge þǣrinnan weorþan ōþþeġen scyle on þǣre mǣþe þā þe þæt rīm swylċra werlīċra burhgumena ætberan weorþe tō þǣm hālan rīme þāra werlīċra burhgumena ān and twēntiġwintre on swylċum Lande.
Āsnīþung sēo Þridde. Nā hād sceal Þēodwita oþþe Speliġend on Folcġemōte oþþe ċēasega þæs Fōresittendes and Wrixlfōresittendes bēon, oþþe ǣniġne ġerēfscipe burhlīċan oþþe herelīċan under þām Ġeānedum Landum oþþe ǣniġum Lande healdan, se þe upārisennesse oþþe upedwīġ ongeġen þǣre Ġesetednesse þāra Ġeānedra Landa dōn hæbbe, oþþe fultum oþþe frōfre þām fēondum þǣrof ġifen hæbbe, ġif hæbbe hē ǣr āþ hāten, swā liþ þæs Folcġemōtes, swā ġerēfa þāra Ġeānedra Landa, swā liþ ǣniġes Landǣlādtēowhādes, swā āstēorendlīċ oþþe dōmlīċ ġerēfa ǣniġes Landes, for þǣm þā Ġesetednesse þāra Ġeānedra Landa tō underwreþiġenne. Þēah mæġe Folcġemōt þurh behǣse mid twēġen þriddum dǣlum ūt of ġehwilċum Hūse swylċe mæġenlēaste ābreġdan.
Āsnīþung sēo Fēorþa. Se trumnaþ þæs eofotes þāra Ġeānedra Landa, under ǣ bebodenre, þaet þe beclȳseþ eofot forþbroht for gild þǣre feohbōte ēac þǣre mēda wiþ ġeswincum tō underþryccenne swā upārisennesse swā upedwīġ weorþan frugnen ne sceal. Ac nāhwæþer ne þā Ġeānedan Land sculon ne ǣniġ Land sceal ætfōn oþþe forġildan ǣġþer oþþe ǣniġ eofot oþþe ġebundennesse forþbroht on fultume swā þæs upedwīġes swā þǣre upārisennesse ongeġen þām Ġeānedum Landum, oþþe ǣniġe ǣftersprǣċe fram þǣm lore oþþe þǣre frēotġife ǣniġes þēowes; ac eallu swylċan eofot, ġebundennessa, and æftersprǣċa sculon unǣlīċe and īdle weorþan healden.
Āsnīþung Fīfta. Þæt Folcġemōt sceal þā meahte habban tō bedrīfanne ġerādlīcre ǣlǣdnesse þā onsteallas þisses limuces.
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