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Rice of Palestīn

Fram Wikipǣdian
دولة فلسطين
(Dawlat Filasṭīn)
Fana þæs Palestīnes Coat of Arms of Palestīn
(Fana) (Cassock of Geatwe)
Þēodlic cƿide: nān
Þēodlic antefn: Fidæg
Stede Palestīn
Hēafod Ierusalem
Mǣste burg Gasaceaster
Ambihtlica sprǣca Arabisc
Lēodƿeard Ānhedig healf foresittendium cynewīse
Mæhmōd Ǣbas (مَحْمُود عَبَّاس)
Māhamed Mūstefa (محمد عبد الله محمد مصطفى)
14 Blōtmōnaþ 1988
 - Getæl
 - Ƿæter (%)
6020 km² (163rd)
 - 2021 est.
 - [[Of |]] census
 - Þiccnes
5,483,450 (121st)

/km² ([[Getalu lēodmearca be landware þiccnesse|]])
 - Getæl
 - For ǣlcum hēafde
2021 estimate
$18.109 billiona (121st)
$3,464 (131st)
Sceatt Iordanisc dinar (JOD) (JOD)
 - Summor (DST)
Internet TLD .ps
Sprecungrīm +970

Palestīn (Arabisc: فلسطين oþþe Filasṭīn) is ān land on sūðlican Lefant rīce of Ƿestasia. Gestāh on 15 Blōtmōnaþ 1988 ond rēðelice ġerēd bī þæt Palistiniscre Frēogunge Þēodnes (PLO), hit ācwēleþ þæt Ƿestbanc (bī ēastan Ierusalem) and þæt Gasastrippe swā his land, eallung þæs habban Israhēlisc-ācwellung lond būtan 1967 Seoxdæges Gefeohtes. Þæt Ƿestbanc hæfþ 165 Palestinisc gelēode þæt synd under dǣllic Palestinisc riht, ac þæt oþer, būtan 200 Israhēlisc sētlanmentes, is under fullic Israhēlisc ǣdel. Þæt Gasastrippe wæs rēðelice hæfþ Ægyptisc ac āgnāh bī Israhēl on 1967. Israhēlisc rīcsode þæt rīce oþ hit būtan dēstęʒ in 2005. Þæt Bēonunge Birincga, þæt Middanlandie Sōcnung Birincga, and forlorenig mann ġerǣde Gaza to be held under Isræli wīggung ōr, dēstęʒ þæt þā mon dēman Isræles dǣd, Isræl eþsęt þis. Hahmæs brǣd to rīce æfter wynnig þæt 2006 Palestinisc ġeþēodisc lyð. Þes siþþan ġewordenig ofer wæs by þæt ōrlǣcung of þæt Gasastrippe bī Israhēl ond Ægypt.

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