Rīcisc edisc

Rīcisc edisc (oþþe efne rīcedisc oþþe rīcesedisc) is gecyndelic oþþe sāmgecyndelic landscipe gehealden fram þǣm gewealde rīces, þe is gesett fram mannum tō heora gamenum, nytte, and begeardlicum beorge oþþe wiþhealdunge wiþ þæt mǣste dǣl forðunge.
Þēah þe geþōht tō rīciscum ediscum habbaþ gēo geworden forsett, hīe ne wurdon folclic oþ þæt þæt is geþōht þone forman heora wesan wearþ, þāra Geāndena Rīca Americe Geolustān Rīcisc Edisc, þe wæs staðolod on þǣm 1872 gēare. Geonrīcisc staðolscipe, þæt International Union for Conservation of Nature, and his World Commission on Protected Areas, hæfþ amearcod rīcisc edisc wesan on his 2 flocces gecynde gebeorgodra stōwa. Þæt mǣste rīcisce edisc on þǣre Eorðan þe is æfter þæs International Union for the Conservations of Nature is þæt Rīcisce Edisc Norþēasternes Grēnlandes, þe wæs staðold on þǣm 1974 gēare. Æfter þǣm International Union for Conservation of Nature, þǣre sind hūhwega 7000 rīciscra edisca ofer þǣre fullan Eorðan