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Nīwe Scotta Ēaland

Fram Wikipǣdian
Dūnland in þæs Nīƿan Scotta Ēalandes sūðdæle
Ðæs Īeglandes tƿegen fānan:
Franca fāna and se Canacfāna

Nīƿe Scotta Ēaland (on Frencisce hāteþ Nouvelle-Calédonie) is ēaland on þǣm Sericus Gārsecge. Hit hafaþ byrdnesse ānlīcre gegaderunge. Hit ligþ onmiddan þǣm Deorcum Īegum on þǣm sūþƿesternan Sericus Gārsecge. Hit stent on þǣre mǣstan īege, Grēat Īeg, þǣm Holdscipīegum, and missenlīcun læssum īegum. His brǣdo on lande is 18,575.5 fēoƿerscētra þūsendmetera, and sēo lēodrǣden ƿæs apinsod tō ƿesenne 249,000 lēoda on þǣm Æfterran Gēolan þæs 2009. gēares. Se hēafodstōl and seō mǣste burg is Noumea.

Nīƿe Scotta Ēalandes rīce sceall cēosan betƿeox þǣm 2014. gēare and þǣm 2019. gēare hƿæðere hit ƿeorðe selfƿealdende ofersǣƿisc gegaderung þǣre Frenciscan Cyneƿīsan þe ƿeorðe ānstandende rīce on folcascunge. Fram þǣm 2010. gēare hæfþ hit tƿegen ambihtlīce fanan gehæfd — ge þone Frenciscan þrigeblēodan fanan, ge ōðerne fanan þe mann geþēodeþ ƿiþ þā Canaclēoda.

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Sericus Garsecges Iegland

Fanuatu • Ficgīege • Kiribas • Micronesia þā Geƿǣredan Rīciu • Marshall Īegland • Nauru • Niwsæland • Palau • Papua Nīwguineg • Samoa • Salomon Īege • Tonga • Tufalu

Americanisc landscipe: Americanisc Samoa • Guam • Hawaii • Norþerne Māriana Īegland • Geanedu Rica Lytlan Utligendan Iege • Wacanieg

Australisc landscipe: Crīstesmæsse Īeg • Cēoling Īege • Norþfolc Īeg

Bryttisc landscipe: Pitcearnīega

Cilisc landscipe: Ēasterīeg

Ficgīege landscipe: Rotuma

Frencisc landscipe: Frencisc Polynesia • Nīwe Scotta Ēaland • Wallis and Futuna

Niwsælendisc landscipe: Cociega • Niugue • Tocelaw