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Nīwes Sǣlandes Weorces Stēormǣlhēap

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Nīwes Sǣlandes Weorces Stēormǣlhēap (hātte on Nīwenglisce New Zealand Labour Party) is efnungrǣdfolcwealdlīc stēormǣlhēap on Nīwum Sǣlande, and is se ōðer hēap Nīwes Sǣlandes æfter rīme gegyldena þæs witegemōtes. Se hēap wæs on þǣm 1916. gēare geworht, þæs is hē Nīwes Sǣlandes ieldest stēormǣlhēap þe gīet wyrceþ.

Þæs Weorces Stēormǣlhēapes nīwost weald wæs fram þǣm 1999. gēare ōþ þæt 2008. gēar, and Helen Clark wæs his lādmann and se forma þegn. Siþþan wǣron Phil Goff and David Shearer his lādmenn, ac nū fram þǣm 15. Hāligmōnðes þæs 2013. gēares is David Cunliffe his lādmann. Se Weorces Stēormǣlhēap is nū se staðol þæs oferstealles.