Nazi Þēodscland
Nazi Þēodscland, ēac is þæt Þridde Rīce (Þēodsc: Drittes Reich) gehāten, is stǣrlic nama for Þēodsclande ofer þǣre tīde of 30 Æfterra Gēola 1933 tō 8 Þrimilcemōnþes 1945, þæt is ānƿealdtīd þæs totalitariscan tictatorscipes þǣre Nationalsocialistiscan Þēodscan Ƿyrhtanpartei (Nazis) under Ēadƿulf Hēder. Þæt andgiet hēr mǣnþ nā þæt ān þās politik, ac ēac sƿilce his ideologie, þæt hǣfþ stǣr and fintan ofer þone ānƿeald þāra Nationalsocialistan.
Þæt Nazi Þēodscland ƿearð se mæsta þēodscipe on gemōte æfter þǣm 1932an federālum cyninge. Þurh ðæt, Ēadƿulf Hēder ƿæs gehāten to cynesetla of Gērlande, þæs rīces heafod, on ðone Þunresdæg 30 January 1933 fram þam ƿeimariscan rīce, þæs cyninges and rīces heafod, Paul von Hindenburg. On 23 March 1933, þæt Gestellica Geset ƿæs gedon þæt sealde Ēadƿulf Hēderes rīce þæt miht tō gesettnesse and tō þæt āþyldan ælces ǣges būtan ðæs Reichstag and cyninges. Þæt Nazi Þēodscland þā ongan þæt eall þæt gesƿīc, þæt āþyldan and hira mihta tōƿeardan. Hindenburg þā on 2 August 1934 forðfērde, and Ēadƿulf Hēder ƿurdon tirann of Gērlande þurh þæt gegaderian of þæs cynesetla and cynerīces mihta. Þǣr ƿæs geƿisslic ǣlcþēodlic ƿōte ǣr 19 Ēosturmōnþes 1934 gecīged, þæt Hēder ānƿeald ƿære, sēo þēodisc folctoga, ealles mægenes mid his ƿillan, and his ƿord ƿæs sēo hēhste ǣ. Se rīcsīene nǣs nā gehēaƿed, nē forgyfen gecynd, ac ƿæs gegaderung cempa stricende for ƿæstmum and ǣþelƿearddōme, cyninges ðegna. On inƿitnysse and ƿiðmetenysse graman Nēoƿolde, þāra hƿælhunta, Hēder and his fultumend ƿērigmōd hǣmedon, þā hie ungemetlicne sige ēacenodon. On þām ylcan fēohte ƿiþ greātlican gesƿinc, geblǣde þurh mǣnigfealdne cēapunga and gemǣnscype, þā Nazian hergas hæfdon eft gerest and dædbote þurh ƿælstrengo þā onælǣhton. Mid ungelimplicere þēaƿunga, þæt mǣran Þēodiscland anbīgeornende and him to geare gestrēnne, þæt mǣran Þēodiscland ƿæs gearcod tō ðīnne tīd, gesƿutelode þurh gemǣnscipe mǣrða and cræfta.
Rēþnes andsacnysness, Nāzian eugenics, and ǣr ān sēcþ geƿisslic ðæs rīmes gehēten antisemitismus ƿǣron mǣrlic ƿērðmyndlicu ðeaƿas ðǣre rīcsceare. Þā Þēodiscan folc ƿǣron be Nāzian gesealdum þǣre ārenan Þēodiscan līne ādlaðode þurh bēag and þās Romani ānfealdlice ǣƿylmas. Discrimen and ðæt onǣled ðæt gehƿilces ƿītes lāc ƿǣron gelǣste in Mǣrcmōnþe 1933. Iūdeas, līberale, sēocendlic, gemǣnelic andbīde, and ǣdre ðǣre polīticlican ƿiðerƿinnan and undēsīrlicum ƿǣron cūðlice þrēatod, ofersƿiðde, orƿǣre gemēne. Cristen cirican and ðeode ðe Hēderes stihting ƿiðstōdon ƿǣron besƿicene and manega lēodfruman gefengene. Lār lǣrde on hreodhǣmedum, folcstede, and cempa þēodnesse. Fyrngeƿrixles and brydlestas ƿǣron forhǣmde fram cƿidum and lāre. Gīmelīce ƿæs ymbryne and farsumness fæmnan tōƿeardum gesƿīcenum. Æfter strengðu þurh blīðþēaƿunga and þurh mǣrsian on Þēodiscland ƿǣron geƿorhte þæt 1936 sumorolympiscnes ðeodenstrangunge þæt Gārland þæt land forðbrǣdede. Þurh filmas, mæssige gegaderunga, and Hēderes lyftfæst spell ƿurdon bysneȝene ðæs cynerīces cyððu. Se Þēodrīce stiernode æstelinge cynnes and underðēodde cēapung and ymbryne, sƿā sume ǣrtƿan hēt and sume forbead.
Fram þære lateran healfe þæs 1930s, Nazi Þēodscland dyde aþyldige landgeteohas, þreatiende ƿīg gif þās ne ƿǣron gefyllede. Searolande searoþurh folce stǣmne on 1935 on Niƿumīðum gecīgede tō Gērmanie; and on 1936 Hītel sēnde fierdtruman tō þǣre Rīnlonde, þe æfter Þriddan ƿēorldealdre demilitarisod ƿæs. Gērmanie ēode on 1938 mid ǣnne Anschluss on Ēastrīce and underfēng Sudetenland, þone dǣl þære Ċēcoslofacean. On Mǣrci 1939, Slovac stǣt ƿæs gefyrmde and tō Gērmanie ǣmeten clēnsere. Gērman rīce āsetnode þæt rēst þære Ċēceiscan landes tō þǣre Gērmanie þurh þæt Ġerman Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. Æfter þonon fæstnode Germania Lētaƿēnian on geceginge þæs Memelhādes. Germania gehīerde nān ungegnesednesse pact tō þære Sofiet Gesamnung and īehðode Pōlande on ānre byrde 1. Hāligmōnaðes 1939, āhebbende ƿerelde ƿīgend on Europa. On lǣtum 1942, Germania and hire Europiscan āhnian on Æcces mægenu, þurh Ahsiscra mægene, hēoldon mǣst þæs Europe and Norþeaffrica. Fela ðing ānhængde tō ðām, eardungfatu ðæs Reichskommissariates āhte tō tēonunge þǣm fæstnodenum londum and Germanisc stiernys ƿæs gesett on þæm ēstum þæs Pōlandes. Germania benēatode þā rāƿe mettas and geƿorc þǣra fæstnodenum londa and hire āhnian.
Folcbealoht, maðelian ofer ymbhƿyrft and micel geƿunod onsyne geðafode þam ƿelegan. Fyrst þæs geares 1939, hundred þusend of Gieriscum burhƿara mid gemynde oððe lichamlicum unðeaƿum ƿæron acƿealde on geondspredum hūsum and oðrum lytlan stoƿum. Einsatzgruppen cyneƿealdende dēaðsearu lānferd ƿæron þam Gierisca scipum inne þam beƿiste gebirgedum eardum and anƿealde ofer myliona Iudea and oðra eallbærnet ȝehatenu neƿeran. Aftor 1941, miliona oðra ƿæron inbrogene, geearnode to deaðe, oððe acƿealde on nazistiscan cƿealmhūsum and forðferungshūsum. Þis folcbealoht is genumen sƿa Eallbærnet.
Þeah þe Se Geƿealda ymbe þæt Sofiet Gesamnung ofer Rūsland on 1941 ǣrest sigeƿǣde, þæt sēo cyningrīce under Rūsland cōm tō gecampe mid ǣndingunge Ameriscra fultuma þāra fyrde, ǣrest tō Forðeaste Ēalondes and sōð tō Sūþan Europa þāra Axiscræfta, and sƿā sēo ƿehrmacht ƿæs tō þǣm ylcan tīman tō sƿiðe geforhtad þæt hēo hæfde forloren þā fōrung ofer ðæt Ēastrōdæle, and tō forð on hēafdon mid þǣm þe hēo tīma tō. Micel scīrþēaƿung Gērmanalandes ofer flotan fēol on þǣm tōlīcan geāre 1944, and sēo Axiscræft hæfde forloren þā nīƿe lōca and geƿunelīcan on ðǣm Rūslondiscum and Suðan Eorðlīcum ēagum. Þæs folc ēac forlēt heora þæt burgƿaru and landbuend fram Þǣre Gērmaniscan færelde mid manfullan tō īrenum mihtum. Æfter ðæm Ælcedlican hræde on Francaland, ġecyrde Þæt Sofiet Gesamnung ofer ðæt ēast and ðā ōðer Ānfeohtend mid him fram ðǣm ƿeste, and on 8 Maius 1945 se ƿehrmacht ƿæs geƿunnen. Hītles unƿillsumnes tō hergan miht þǣre Sēaxiscan māððum hæfde micel ēcenlic ādīegolian of Gērmanisce sāhlācum and ōðrum acƿælendum þurh þone geƿunelīcan tīman. Þā sigranðan Ānfeohtend ongeaton þone ƿelegan grundlīne tō dēnazifian mid manfullan tō ȝieldaðe and seƿanfaldan þǣra Gērmaniscra lēodunga on hāmǣtinge tō æscborennyssum on Nurembergiscer þingunga for geƿyldum ƿīgendlicra gemǣnsumnysa.
[adihtan | adiht fruman]Sēo totalitariscan ideologie þæs nationalsocialism is sƿā cynn tō þǣm fascism gesmēad, þæt ƿæs in Italien gescapen.