Nīwes Sǣlandes Grēne Stēormǣlhēap
Nīwes Sǣlandes Grēne Stēormǣlhēap is middangeardbewariende and gemǣnscipesrǣdlic stēormǣlhēap on Nīwum Sǣlande.
Nū hafaþ se hēap twegen lādmenn: James Shaw and Marama Davidson, ān þe is werlic and ān þe is wīflic.
On þæs 2011. gēares folclicre cēosunge wēox þæs Grēnan Hēapes dǣl þāra cyra fram 6.72% þæs 2008. gēares cēosunge ōþ 11.06%. For þǣm is se hēap se þridda Nīwes Sǣlandes æfter rīme witena on þǣm witenagemōte, þæt is 14 of 121.