Nīwes Sǣlandes þēodlīc fōtþōðerhēap

Se Nīwes Slandes þēodlīca fōtþōðerhēap (hātaþ All Whites on Nīwum Englisce, tō unsetedlīcum naman) is þēodlīc gyldfōtþōðerhēap Nīwes Sǣlandes and is geweald fram New Zealand Football. Se hēap plegeþ on hwītum hrægelum for þȳ þe Nīwes Sǣlandes gewunelīc plegan sweart bleoh wæs gehealden for geondrīciscum behealdendum. Se unsetedlīca nama "All Whites" (þe mǣneþ "ealle hwīte") ēac cymþ fram Nīwes Sǣlandes þēodlīc hrōcburhgesamnunge plegan hēap, þe hāteþ "All Blacks" (þe mǣneþ "ealle swearte"). Þæt seolforfern, tācn Nīwes Sǣlandes. is ēac on heora hræglum.
Nīwe Sǣland spēdde on þǣre farunge tō twǣm FIFA Woruldgewinnum þæs 1982. gēares and þæs 2010 gēares. Hīe afōron fram þǣm Gewinne æfter þǣm forman rǣse begra mǣla. Ac þæt 2010. gēares gewinn ēac hæfde ān NIwes Sǣlandes hefigostra plegena: efengewinn mid þǣm woruldbetstan hēape þæs tīman Italie mid þǣm getalum 1 and 1; and hīe ne nā wǣron oferdrifen on þǣm 2010. gēares gewinne.