Iervis Byht Landscipe

Se Iervis Byht Landscipe is lytel landscipe on þāra Nīƿra Sūþƿeala sǣrime oððæt ðe he is bedāled of þǣm miclan rice in his tōþegnunge. He hæfþ būtan siexe and tƿentig mīla þæs feoƿerscyte in his brādnesse.
Se Iervis Byht Landscipe is lytel landscipe on þāra Nīƿra Sūþƿeala sǣrime oððæt ðe he is bedāled of þǣm miclan rice in his tōþegnunge. He hæfþ būtan siexe and tƿentig mīla þæs feoƿerscyte in his brādnesse.