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Gillingas se Lunden Burgscipe

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Gillingas se Lunden Burgscipe
—  Lunden Burgscipe  —
Gillinga Burgsele


Land  Geāned Cynerīce Geāned Cynerīce
Heafodstol Gillingas, Gillingas se Lunden Burgscipe
Gestaðelod 1 Eastermonað 1965
Brego Julian Bell
• gerim

55.5447 km²
• buend

341,982 buenda
Tidgyrdel UTC±00:00, UTC+01:00
Sprecungrim 020
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Gillingas se Lunden Burgscipe is toþegning læppa se belimpeð þone Grietra Lunden. He is eall on Middelseaxan deop in Lundnes underburgum. His mæste burg is Gillingas.

In ðes burgscipe sind fif byrig, ða sind: Actun, Gillingas, Greneford, Hanwiell, Norþholt, Periuale and Suþheall.

Lundnes Burgscipas

BarnetBerecingas and DæccanhamBregentBromleagByxleagCampdenuCrogdenuCynesigantun and CealchyðCyningestun on TemesEnanfeldGillingasGislandunGrenewicHacaniegHammersmiþþe and FullanhamHaferingasHeargeHillendunHundeshlæwHæringeshægLambhyðLiofshemaLundenceasterInnera TempulMiddel Tempul MeretunNiwhamReadbrycgSceon on TemesSuþtunSuþweorcTurr HamstedasWaltham WealdWendelesordeWestmynster