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Ǣn hēahflyhtetrǣgetrǣg on Iapan.

Hēahflyhtetrǣg (HSR) is ā lād ǣlcyndra trǣgwegena, þe ūtweard līðan sēþ betǣnan þonne þā trǣgas þāra gewōhtrǣga, þurh ā gesāmniad līn of seldlicum hweogolrǣsere and āfyrstum trǣgum. Hwīlum nis ān gemǣru þe woruldǣlīce gilpige, līnas geworhte tō āfōnsǣtendum ofer 250 þūsendfealdgēarīser (155 mīlum on līðunga) oþþe getigode līnas ofer 200 þūsendfealdgēarīser (124 mīlum on līðunga) sint brāde geondȳwed tō bēon hēahflyhte gecēgede.


[adihtan | adihtan fruman]

Sē forma hēahflyhtetrǣgweg, sē Tōkaidō Shinkansen, ongan sǣtnisse ǣgan on Honshū, Iapan, on 1964. Owing to ðǣm gesundum spicer-hrōfe of ðǣre gedūnsǣtnisse, sē gewinn hātte becōm ā gecīedde līþendæl Ænglisces niwan, bullet trǣg. Sē Iapana bysworðunga wæs fyligende be fram manegum Gērice, ǣrest on Franclande and Þeodmōre, and siððan eac on Speon, Italie, and ōðrum. Tōdæg Europa hafað wīdne līnnet mid manegum gecyndum. Sīþðan nīw būgend of þǣre 21. hundteontego, Čīna hæfð geēcan ā līfendum hlūtre on hēahflyhtetrǣg. Swā forð swā 2023, hire nett sǣde ofer twā-þriddan þæs woruldbrego.

Būton þīrum, manega ōðre lond hæfð gecyrrede hēahflyhtetrǣggesǣft tō āfōnsǣtendum, þǣra betstaðela ēac Belgice, Cina, Denemearc, Ēastrīċe, Finnland, Ġeānod Cynerīċe, Geanedan Ricu America, Indonesia, Iapan, Morocco, Norþweg, Polaland, Portugal, Russland, Saudisc Arabea, Serbia, Suþcorea, Swēoland, Swissland, Taiƿan, Tyrcland, Usbecastan, and Þeodscland. Ānlīc in Ēaferopa and Āse, þǣr hēahflyhtetrǣg byrð internationalan landgemǣr.