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Gatweoga Arc on Halgaluis on Misseora.

Land  Geānedu Rīcu America Geānedu Rīcu America
Underrice Misseōra
Heafodstol no value
Gestaðelod 1764
Brego Tishaura Jones
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171.02625 km², 171.128084 km², 171.458858 km², 159.895650 km², 11.563208 km²
Hiehþu 142±1 m
• buend

301,578 buenda
Tidgyrdel UTC−06:00, Central Time Zone, UTC−05:00
Sprecungrim 314
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Hālgaluis (Niwenglisc: Saint Louis) or Sancteluis is ā burh on Misseōra, bealong þǣre brycge þæs Mississippi Ēas ond þæs Misseōra Ēas. Hēo is þā twēonde mǣste ceaster on Misseōra ond þā mǣst bebyrged eard on Misseōra, ond ā swīþe nytol havnburh behealdende þone Mississippi Ēas. Sēo ceaster is ǣwist on fērlicum "Gatweoga Arc", ond byð sǣd þæs "Gatweoga tō þǣre Westan".

Hālgaluis is eac ǣrist būton swīþe ælīcere tīd būtan styringe þīnes andlīcan weallendas, cræftsmiðunga, bytunges, fērende, ond flēogendes. Sēo ceaster is cūð þurh hire gesundrige sportlican ðēam, tō.

Sēo lārhūs of Hālgaluis ongan mid þām sēttelunge þǣre sēc by Indiscan hrīnweallend þe līafode swā dǣl þæs Mississippiscan ǣr on þæs 9. ġeārhrūnan ōð þæs 15. ġeārhrūnan, fyligende oðre þēodgewitan. Onginnende on þæs 17. ġeārhrūnan, Francland ēxaorsa cōman. Spēonland tōcēap on 1763, ond ā becerende sǣl hāmǣr piera Laclede ond Auguste Chouteau setton þǣre sēttlunge Hālgaluis in Solmōnað 1764. Hēo ætƿiceode Frǣnscisc sēttend of Īle andgēan þæs rāncsige on þæs Seofon Gēara Gefeohte. Sēo ceaster gewēox on folcgetalu for þæs stōwes swā bebyrged steall on þæm Mississippiscan Ēa, swā þæt western furrān gewinn wæs hālswēþere. Sēo ceaster þeotode þȳ lȳt on þæs Amerisc Ēgweardlēodwaran Gewinn ond becom ā dǣl þǣre Ealdan Englalandes þurh þone Louisiana Cēap on 1803.

Mid hire gefeormunge þurh þæt Ohio Ēa tō þǣre ēast, þone Mississipp Ēa tō þǣre sūðan ond norðan, ond þone Misseōra Ēa tō þǣre westan, Hālgaluis wæs īdelīċ geset þæt bēon þæs mǣran bās of betwēonanrīclicre crēopunge. On þǣm 1840tium, hit wurde sǣd tō mǣran sōþfangede mid Īras ond Germain. Sūme inneweardgeboren Ameriscan behǣfdon mid fǣr nīcende nīcundra, onfēngende mǣde seniende. Missourī wæs þrǣfland, ac þā ceasteres nēahwununge tō frīan londum tōcweðe þæt sēo tō bēon ā gemǣre for þæs frēondlēan hūs. Mǣde þȳ 1850tium ond Dred Scott gesæt, ǣrendon ǣrendan ond sēo U.S. Hȳse of Scīne dēmde wiþ hine. Hēo eac dēmde þæt se Missourī Swīþsumstōwung wæs forþgewitendelīc, tōcweðende tō þæm strangungum sǣnde þās Ameriscan Ēgweardlēodware Geƿinn. Under þām Gūðe, Hālgaluis hæfde lītlan nearowe feohtan on his utwircum, ac wæs gehalden under Unēonweld.

Francisfeld dureing þa 1904 Olympiscgamen.

Æfter þǣm gūðe, sēo ceaster gemētte his rāðewegende tō ōðrum ceasterlimundum ond weorcendum. Hēo þolode ābēorrende ēacnunge on forwyrdunge þǣre ēa ond wæterhrycinge. On þām fēorþa tēoþundfeo 40tium, sēo Ēadas Brycġ wæs getimbrod ofer þone Mississippiscan Ēa, ond sēo ceaster sette sume lēodferungeara gēsele, becomende Fōresteres Steall. Þurh leodpoliticum ond ēarende strīdum, sēo ceaster wǣr him be þǣm Scīne of Hālgaluis tō Lūiġes Cīce on 1876 ond becōm ā sēolcend ceaster. Hȳre lītela rodorcræftig feorhwænge hæfde gehlōtan hȳre geferan on þām 20tian ond 21tian hundsealfe tō andgyte þæs smæles gārgebases. On þǣm late 19tian hundsealfon, Hālgaluis bēcōm hām tō twām mǣran līgfrēolicum baseballeþēamum. Hrycgprætt ond blūsmūþical weorude in sēo ceaster, mid Indiscum ond Gērmanum gāmennude ond on sēo gēardæg.

Sēo ceaster āhohte þā 1904 Hāmweardum Geƿeorlde Ealdorlīcan ond þā 1904 Olympiscgamen, gefērrǣdende mīllionum hæftgēata. Dǣl þæs cræftgierdes tō þǣre færes wæs þæt grundgemǣre for mǣre ceaster-ǣrendum on Fōresteres Steall. On þǣm ǣrestan þriddung þæs hundteoþan hundsealfan, fēala Indisca becōmon fram sūðe tō þǣre ceastre for indusþrālweri, swā be mǣran fēringe. Hālgaluis ne flyhte þæt Great Hryngyld ond his hēah ungemetfullnið.[1]


[adiht | adiht fruman]

Sēo ceaster is gescēadīg in 79 rīceǣtla geƿitan. Þā gemitcundan gecīðung āhǣbbað nānan gesetnedne rīht, þēah sume gecēapscīrungas gemǣnigodum ðingum fēormigeað oþþe hæbbeað forbēodan frumanweard-dīċbygunga.[2]

Sume geƿitan sīað tōgǣdere ond þēah tō anlīcum, swā-swā "Norþceaster", "Sūþceaster", ond "Þæt Centrāl West Ēnd".

Weder ond lyfthelm

[adiht | adiht fruman]

Halgaluis bið on þæm tīdum geƿisslīce, līðe ond gehīwod on springe ond falle, sumhwæt ceald ond wintera, ond hāt on sumere. Halgaluis is til on yst ond þunorstorm, for þǣm hyre stede is on þǣm Midwegum Rīcum in Unitede Gēārlend.[3]

Byrig on þǣm Misseōra


100 mæstenbyrig on Geanedan Ricu America
NiƿeoforƿicburgLōsandgelisCicēaHūsestūnFēonixBroþorlufeburhHālgantōniusDællasHālgadidacusĒastūnburhIǣxcūnbyrgHālgaiosepǷeorthƿīcColumbusCeorletteIndigabyrgHālgafrancisSīatlDenafordOclahomaceasterGnashfyllÞafæþmHƿæsingatunLāsfægasBotƿulfstūnPortlondLuisburgMemfisDēotfordBealdimōrMylenƿicÆlbūrcerrceTūsōnAsċetrēoƿHālgþingstedeTabulehyllCǣnsasburgÆtlandaColoradespryngsŌmahhaRaleahFirginiestrondLangstrondMīamigǢclandMinnegceasterTulseBæceresfeldTampaHƿīciteÆlfrēdingtūnEostrabyrgNiƿēorlēanasClēafalandAnahāmHānolūluHeanricsonStocctūnĒasċoraLeaxingatūnCristbodiġOrlandoĪrfineSinsignātigSanctanneNiƿeƿeorcheHālgapaulusPyttesburhGrœnesburhLincolnDūnholmPleynoAncoredageCēsarēaceasterHālgaluisCandyllerNorþlāsfægasĒamfullegesihtBūfalōGīlbeorhtHrēnōMædisonǷyrhtƿægnƿīcTolēodoLubbekSanctes PetresburgLarēodoIrfigCeosapēacGlenndælǷinestānsǣlhamScottesdælGærlandBōisēNorþfolcPortsanctluciusSpocāneRīċemundFrēomundHuntanbyrg
Cities ranked by United States Census Bureau population estimates for July 1, 2022.