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Se Geatweġbīeġels (Niwenglisc: Gateway Arch) is ān 630-fōta-hēah (192 metra) tācn in Hālgaluis, Missōria, on Geanedan Ricu. Gehȳd mid stānmæstene stēle and getimbrod on onlīcnunge āstreces catenarīes bīeġelse, hē is middangeardes hēahsta bīeġels and Missōria hēahsta fremmendlicu geweorc. Sume fruman hine gecnāwan tō bēon hēahsta handgeworht tācn on Westenhealfre middangeardes. Getimbrod swā tācn tō westweardum færelse Ēadlandra Amerīcanra and sōðlīce hāliġode tō "þām Amerīscan folce", sē Bīeġels, oft geciged "Sē Geatweġ tō Westene," is ān Hēahlic Ġemænsumnesse mǣrnes in Geatweġbīeġelse Nīetland and hæfð geworden þȳfīest weġferðe hyrstingstede, swā well swā hēahspræc cynnisc tācn Hālgaluis.