Gyanendra Nepal Cyning
Gyanendra | |
Cynedom | 4 Seremōnaþ 2001 – 28 Þrimilcemōnaþ 2008 |
Gehalgod | 4 Seremōnaþ 2001 |
Foregenga | Dipendra (his nefa) |
Bryd | Komal Rajya Laxmi Devi |
Bearn | Paras Nepal Æþeling Prerana Hlædfdige |
Full nama | |
Gyanendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev | |
Hus | Shahingas |
Fæder | Mahendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev |
Modor | Indra Rajya Laxmi Devi |
Geboren | 7 Mǣdmōnaþ 1947 Narayanhity Heall in Kathmandu |
Gyanendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev (Bysen:Lang-ne; Jñānendra Śāh) is Nepal Cyning and he ricsode in þæm lande oð ðe wealdsēcendas hine awearp in 2006.
On 7 Mǣdmōnaþ 1947 wæs Gyanendra geboren þan wæs his fæder Mahendra se ierfe-æþeling. In Gyanendra cildhād in 1950 fliemedon his fæder and his ealdfæder Tribhuvan se cyning of þæm rīce and se forma þegn abannede þe Gyanendra biþ cyning. In þæm niehstan geare edcwōm Tribhuvan Cyning. In 2001 wæs micel wæl in Nepales cynehealle þærin Gyanendran brōðorsunu, Dipendra Æþeling, slōg his agen fæder Birendra Cyning, his mōdor and manig elleswīse, beforan þe Dipendra ofsceat his agen hēafod. Æfter Birendran Cyninges dēaþ and Dipendran dēaþ æfter þrim nihtum fange Gyanendra to rīce.
Gyanendran Cyninges rīce wæs eall unfriþ. His brōðor Birendra Cyning hæfde gestaðoled grundgestnes and toþegnung wæs gedōn be lēodweardes þegnum getēon of þæm witenagemōte, ac þēos bysen wæs lef and ateorigendlic þan weax unrǣd þāra Gemōtscipe aliefenda and hiera camp forwiernde spelena cyst. Þȳ in 2005 fang se Cyning ānweald þe he meaht oferdrifan þēos unfriþ, ac se cirm þāra strǣta wæs hlūde wiþ his wīsum dǣdum and se Cyning cygde þone ealdne wintenagemōt in Ēastermōnaþ 2006 and swylca wealdsēcendas in hiera gyrnwrace swuteloden þe se Cyning næfde weald in þæm lande and æfter twǣm wintrum sæd þe se cynedōm biþ awearpen and þe Nepal wæron cyninglēasu cynewīse.