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Grēatu Scōl of Sealterlande

Fram Wikipǣdian

Grēatu Scōl of Sealterlande (Schulzentrum Saterland, SZS on Germanisc) is leornunge dæȝscōl in niðrum Ramsloh, Sealterlande, in Niðerseaxlande, Germanie. Þǣre scōle nama in hiera þēodiscum Sealterisce is "Grote Skoul fon't Seelterlound," and on Nīƿenglisce, "Great School of Saterland." Sēo scōl hæfþ beȝen "hēah" scōle for ieldrum tīenieldum, and underhēahscōle for ȝeongrum tīenieldum.

Ūtanƿeard hlenċe

[adihtan | adihtan fruman]