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Georgisc gewritcræft

Fram Wikipǣdian
Cynelicu bōc of Erekle II Cyninge

Georgisc gewritcræft (ქართული კალიგრაფია) is gewritcræftes cynn, oððe searulic writing in þæm Georgiscan gereorde and þes cræft nytt þæs gereordes þrēo Georgiscan stæfrǣwan.

Georgia hæfþ yldlang geselenesse of fægrum gewritcræfte. Handgewritna bēc of ǣryldum weardon micel þing on Georgieþēode. Cristendōm wæs æt his heorte and sēo Georgiscu Orthodox Cirice and hiere muncas geaf micel līf to Georgisc gewrite forþæm þe hie wrāten bēc and eall þæs folces stǣrlica gewritas.[1][2][3]

Ælc gear on 14. Ēastermōnaþ, begellaþ Georgiaware þone "Dæg þæs Georgiscan gereordes". Gearlice on þissum dæge heoldaþ manig byrig on Georgie gewritcræft gewin, and sigorlēan gewinneþ se man se writeþ betste.[4]

Georgiaware atȳdredon cræftiga weorcas begen of æfæstnesse and of lāre in the stedum ūt Georgie in mynstrum getimbrode be Georgiscum munucum oððe in swylcum ðærin būedon hie and onmang swlycum hūsum sind:

On þæm Georgiscum landum wæs Tao-Klarjeti þæt rīce þæs þēodes heort for scopcræfte and hēr arāsen þā sēlostan magistras in lēoþcræfte, scopcræfte, orþance and timbercræfte.

Frūman and glēsing

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