Gēar is hƿyrftlic tīd þǣre eorðe tō ful gānne be þǣre sunnan. For ƿæccende on eorðe, þēos stend ƿiþ þā tīd þe is geþorften fram þǣre sunnan tō endienne ānne ƿeg geond þone circulcræft andlang þǣm āsprungennessƿege.
On tungolcræfte is þæt Iulianisce gēar is gemet tīman, tōmearcod tō 365.25um daga þāre ǣlc hafaþ 86,400 Geondrīciscre Endebyrdnesse ēagantīda .[1]
Þǣr nis nān ƿoruldƿīde andfenge tācn þæs gēares tō gemete tīde. Sēo Geondrīcisce Endebyrdness Gemeta ne foreseteþ ān. Gemǣne sceortness gebrocen geondrīclīce is a (æfter þǣm Lǣdnan ƿorde annus).
For þǣre eorðe eaxisce hleoninge, se ƿeg gēares fēreþ þā fernesse þāra tīmena, gesundrode fram andƿednungum in ƿeðere, and on stundum dæges lēohtes, and þæs ēac on ƿyrtum and eorþƿēlan. In medumƿearmum and undereaxlendiscum stedum, oftost sind fēoƿer tīman gecūðe: Lencten, Sumer, Hærfest and Ƿinter, þe sind tungollīce gesundrod þā sēo sunne cymþ tō þǣm tīdum efennihte and sunnstedes, þēah þā medumƿeðerlice tīman latiaþ æfter heora tungollicum mearcum. In sumum ƿearmbeltiscum and underƿearmbeltiscum stedum is hit gemǣnre tō sprecenne be þǣm regnigum (ēac "ƿǣt" gehāten) tīman ƿiþ þone drygan tīman.
Consulabēc gēar is nēahsagu þǣre eorðe hƿirftlice tīde on sumre consulabēc. Consulabēc gēar in þǣre Gregorianiscan consulabēc (ēacsƿā on þǣre Iulianiscan consulabēc) hafaþ oþþe 365 (gemǣne gēar) oþþe 366 (bissextus) daga.
Þæt ƿord "gēar" is ēac gebrocen tō tīdum þe sind nēahlīce gelīce ac ne ful gelīc ge þǣm tungolican gēare ge þǣm consulabēc gēare, sƿelce þæt tīmisce gēar, þæt feohhƿyrftlice gēar oþþe þæt gyldisce gēar, and manig ōðru gēarcynd. Þurh reccinge cann þæt ƿord gēar mǣnan þā hƿyrftlican tīde ǣniges dƿeligendes: tō bȳsne, "Tīƿlic gēar" is sēo tīd on þǣre Tīƿ dēþ his āgnan hƿyrfte.
[adihtan | adihtan fruman]- ↑ International Astronomical Union "SI units" gebrocen on þǣm 18 dæge Solmōnaðes þæs 2010 gēares. (Seoh Table and þæt 5.15. dǣl) Getsetwriten eft fram George A. Wilkins & IAU Commission 5, "The IAU Style Manual (1989)" (PDF-fīl) on IAU Transactions Vol. XXB