Ealdordōmærn þæs Geānedan Cynerīces
Þæt Ealdordōmærn þæs Geānedan Cynerīces is þæt ealdorrihtærn for eallum þingum under rihte of ealcum dæle þæs Geānedan Cynerīces. In þissum rīce sind þrēo dālas, þā sind Englaland and Wēalas, Norðerne Īrland and Scotland, and gewrit of hālsunge fram eallum dōmærnum cymþ in þæs rīces ealdordōmærne, būtan in Scyttiscu scyldigung, þærof rynþ nān hālsung æfter þæm Hēam Ærne of Dōmcræfte.
Þæs Ealdordōmærnes stōl is æt þæm Middelseaxe Gyldhealle se stent be Witenagemōtforetīge in Westmynstre.
Sacu and frūma
[adihtan | adiht fruman]Ēac þæt Ealdordōmærn hæfþ sacu to gecweðienne bisǣcce be gehwyfnesse in þæm Geānedan Cynerīce and be þæm rihtan wealde þāra þrēora gehwyrfedra lēodwearda (on Scottum, on Norþīrum and on Wēalum) oððe ofer gesetnessa gewrōhten in hiera gemōtum.
Ðæt Ealdordōmærn wæs gestaþoled be þæm Þridde Dæle þære Grundgesetnes Ednīwung Gesetnesse 2005 and angann his weorc on 1 October 2009. Hit genumen þā dōmlicu brūcing þæs Hlāforda Hūses, þā ǣr behwyrfdon þā Hlāfordsas of Hālsunge in Ambehte (þā folcisce hātten "Rihthlāfordas"), þā twelf dēman gesetten swa gegyldan þæs Hlāforda Hūses to fremmienne his dēmenda begang. Þæs Ealdordōmærnes sacu ofer gehwyrfnes þingum wæs ǣr gegangen be þæm Dēmenda Gemōte þæs Sundorgeþinges.