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Cwidbōc, ēac bīspellbōc gehāten, is bōc in þǣre Biblioþēcan. Hēo hæfþ bīspell þǣrinn.

Bēc þǣre Ealdan Gecȳþnesse
(For details see Biblical canon)
Hebrēisc Biblioþēce oþþe Tanakh
Gemǣne tō Iudēadōme
and Crīstendōme
Befangen fram Rihtgelēaffulum and Rōmāniscum Eallgelēaffullum, ac betȳned fram Iudēum, Twihycgendum, and ōðrum Crīstenum tōdǣlednessum:
Included by Orthodox (Synod of Jerusalem):
Included by Russian and Ethiopian Orthodox:
Included by Ethiopian Orthodox:
Included by Syriac Peshitta Bible:
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