Carsanburg | |
— Rīcehēafodburg — | |
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Land | Geānedu Rīcu America Geānedu Rīcu America |
Heafodstol | no value |
Gestaðelod | 1858 |
Bradnes • gerim |
407.25709 km², 407.260471 km² |
Hiehþu | 1,463±1 m |
Leodræden • buend |
58,639 buenda |
Sprecungrim | 775 |
Webstede | Webstede |
Carsanburg Commons | |
Þis cyþþubox hæfþ Wikidata wihta | |
Carsanburg (Niwenglisc: Carson City) is sēo hēafodburg þæs landes Gnefada on Geanedan Ricu America. Hīe stent beforan þǣre Sierra Nafolan on þǣre kynelican dǣle þǣre sǣlandes. Sēo byrig is ācēned for hire bradan strǣta and hyre hlīse, bearnende on þǣre gyldenan sūþdǣle þæs landes.
Carsanburg is ġecneordlice ġemynd and þæt hēafod oferhȳda for Nevada, sēo byð gefultumod mid brōcum on āgenum ƿǣpenhūsum, þās Statan Dǣlan. Hīe is se lēodfrēa on þǣre byrig, gehērsumod þǣm ƿǣtum þæs folces.
Carsanburg is ālīcod beforan þǣm muntum and þām meahtigan ġemǣne þæs landes, sēo fēraþ sƿā sēo þrymcynnnes meahtu on norþƿeardre ƿīgsang.
Hīe is wīdsƿīþe cuðe for hire wērlogum, þǣr hīe gestuntaþ fyrst and gemǣnes fæstas. Hīe is ēac sīþfæðe for hire handgewinnan, gārdendenu, and ǣrendeþēowum. Carsanburg is sēo cyninglic byrig on Nevada, sēo hafaþ sīþast līfe.