Bowser (character)
Bowser is sēo gecȳnd in þæt scēawplega fram Super Mario Bros in 1985. Hē is an ƿæterdraca oþþe byrdling hwā buān in a castelwēorc wiþ sē sunu, ġenemnam Bowser jr. Hē frēoġan sēo wīfmann hātan Princess Peach ġe lusts to abysgīan hēo. Hē is oft sē fǣhðu to Mario ġe willan to wēaldan sēo Mushroom Kingdom (on Nīwenglisc sprǣc). Bowser oft buān neāh a fȳrbeorg ġe is ne ānlīpig wiþ sē þegens. Hē is oft gȳsene pleġan wiþ ōðer fōlc fram sēo scēawplega in Mario Kart rīdan in selffērende wægn tō.