Aucland Stæfcræft Leornunghūs

Aucland Stæfcræft Leornunghūs is a rīces folgendylde leornunghūs in Auclande on þæm Nīwan Sǣlande. His leornungcnihtas sind cnapan of nigon oþ þrītīene wintrum.
Þis is Nīwsǣlandes mǣste leornunghūs ānlic for cnapum and is onmang þæs landes siexe mǣstum leornunhūsum.[1]
Þis Stæfcræft Leornunghūs is mǣre for his seldwīsum and of swylcum þingum is þe leornungcnihtas sceallon cneordlǣcan Læden in hēam hādum þæs forma geares.
[adihtan | adihtan fruman]in 1850 wæs ðis leornunghūs wæs gestaðoled be George Grey Cniht se wæs in þæm dæge Gemǣne Rīca þæs Nīwan Sǣlandes and þæt hūs wæs gecenned for his leornungstaþole in 1868
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[adihtan | adihtan fruman]![]() |
Wikimedia Commons hæfþ māran gemyndþrǣdas sibb mid: Auckland Grammar School |
[adihtan | adihtan fruman]- ↑ New Zealand Schools – Education Counts (New Zealand Ministry of Education)