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Atlanta Beat

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Atlanta Beat
Fulnama Atlanta Beat
Ymbenama(n) Beat
Onsteald 2009
Spyrd New KSU Stadium
(Andefen: 8,300)
Āgend Flag of Geānedu Rīcu American T. Fitz Johnson
Hēafodtōþeȝn Flag of Geānedu Rīcu American Shawn McGee
Hēafodƿita Flag of Īrland Cynewīse Gareth O'Sullivan
Clīewen Women's Professional Soccer

Se Atlanta Beat is Americanisc andƿīs fōtballtēam þe in Atlanta, Georgia steald is. Se tēam ȝeþēodode Women's Professional Soccer in 2010, and hiera hāmmæccan æt Kennesaw State University pleȝaþ. Hīe cumaþ æfter þǣm Atlanta Beat þæs unȝeþēodode Women's United Soccer Association.

Rīm Steall Pleȝend
Flag of Geānedu Rīcu American GK Allison Whitworth
Flag of Geānedu Rīcu American FW Amanda Cinalli
Flag of Geānedu Rīcu American MF Katie Larkin
Flag of Cænada DF Sharolta Nonen
Flag of Geānedu Rīcu American DF Leigh Ann Robinson
Flag of Geānedu Rīcu American FW Angie Woznuk Kerr
Flag of Geānedu Rīcu American GK Brett Maron
Flag of Geānedu Rīcu American DF Blakely Mattern
Rīm Steall Pleȝend
Flag of Switzerland FW Ramona Bachmann
Flag of Denemearc FW Johanna Rasmussen
Flag of Japan MF Mami Yamaguchi
Flag of Mexico FW Monica Ocampo
Flag of Geānedu Rīcu American MF McCall Zerboni
Flag of Geānedu Rīcu American MF Tobin Heath
6 Flag of Geānedu Rīcu American DF Kia McNeill
Flag of Þēodscland FW Shelley Thompson

Ūtanƿeard hlenċan

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