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Aramoana and Otagohyð

Aramoana is lytel wic on þæm særim seofentiene mila be norðen Dunedin on Niwsælandes Sūþīeg. Ðis wic hæfð 261 onwundendas æt þæm 2001 Cense. His nama of of þæm Maoriscum gereorde and mænþ "paþweg þæm brime".

Se Otago Hyðgild staðolde Aramoana in þæs 1880s ðe he bið forþweardwic for sæfarende ymbe Otagohyðe. e læppa weax in lytlum geburtune. Æfter 1950 weard ðes tun folcmære swa standwic and wynland.