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Americanisc wera rīcisc fōtballtēam

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Americanisc ƿera þēodlic fōtballtēam
Shirt badge/Association crest
Ymbenama The Yanks
Clīeƿen United States
Soccer Federation
Þoftscipe CONCACAF
(North America)
Hēafodƿita Bob Bradley
Underƿita Mike Sorber
John Hackworth
Jesse Marsch
Hēafodmann Carlos Bocanegra
Mǣst caps Cobi Jones (164)
Betst tellere Landon Donovan (42)
FIFA hād 18
Hēahst FIFA hād 4 (April 2006)
Niðost FIFA hād 35 (October 1997)
Elo hād 19
Hēahst Elo hād 4 (November 1885 - November 1886)
Niðost Elo hād 85 (October 1968)
Team colours
Team colours
Team colours
Team colours
Home colors
Team colours
Team colours
Team colours
Team colours
Away colors
Fyrst ȝeondþēodliċ mæcca
Flag of Geānedu Rīcu American United States 0–1 Canada Flag of Cænada
(Newark; 28 Blōtmōnaþ, 1885)
Flag of Sweden Sweden 2–3 United States Flag of Geānedu Rīcu American
(Stockholm; 20 Ƿēodmōnaþ, 1916)
Mǣst siȝe
Flag of Geānedu Rīcu American United States 8–0 Barbados Flag of Barbados
(Carson; 15 Sēremōnaþ, 2008)
Mǣst fyl
Flag of Norway Norþƿeȝ 11–0 United States Flag of Geānedu Rīcu American
(Osleah; 11 Ƿēodmōnaþ, 1948)
Pleȝodon 8 (First in 1930)
Betst becyme Þridde Hād, 1930
Gold Cup
Pleȝodon 10 (First in 1991)
Betst becyme Champions, 1991, 2002, 2005, 2007
Þoftscipes Ċeampscipe
Pleȝodon 4 (First in 1992)
Betst becyme Ōðer, 2009

Se Americanisc ƿera þēodliċ fōtballtēam stent for þǣm Ȝeānlǣhtran Rīċum American in ȝeondþēodliċum clīeƿen fōtballe, mid þǣm Americaniscan Fōtballclīeƿene ƿealdende ofer hīe. Bȳ þǣm FIFA Ƿoruldhādum, se tēam hæfþ 18 hād in þǣre ƿoruld and ōðer in CONCACAF,[1] ƿæs in þǣm læstan fīfan FIFA Ƿoruldċeampscipum, and in þǣm 2010 FIFA Ƿoruldċeampscipe in Sūþaffrice biþ.

Ūtanƿeard hlenċe

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